Gasaraki (ガサラキ Gasaraki) is an anime television series produced by Bandai Visual. It was written by Hajime Yatate and Ryousuke Takahashi, the latter of which was also the director. The series is marked by an exceptionally detailed and convincing treatment of mecha design and operation, albeit within the context of the alternate reality of the story. Set in the near-future (at the time of release), a little-understood form of matter known as Mile One allows a powerful and influential Japanese family, the Gowa, to produce a bipedal weapon which they refer to as a Tactical Armor (TA). When a massive, international peacekeeping force is systematically wiped out by what appear to be rival TAs, the Gowa seize the chance to demonstrate their weapon system, and civilian pilot Yuushiro Gowa and the military squad to which he is attached are deployed to the Middle East. There, he meets rival TA pilot Miharu, with which he seems to share a deep spiritual bond.
Much of the initial plot is driven by means of news reports, the style of which is heavily influenced by the coverage of the first Gulf War by CNN. Elements of Japanese culture, such as Noh, rigid family hierarchies, corruption of government by Zaibatsu and Samurai appear throughout the series.
The television series aired in Japan from 1998 to 1999, ran for 25 episodes, and was released on VHS and DVD in North America and the UK by ADV Films.
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