Outlaw Star (星方武侠) is a 26-episode anime series created by Sunrise and Bandai Entertainment, loosely based on the manga by Takehito Ito. There was an unreleased second season, which was given to only 45 people who had previously reserved the second season collection.
Bandai and ZRO Limit Productions translated the series into an English release and the series was aired on Cartoon Network, albeit editted for brevity and content. An unedited, uncensored English version also exists on VHS (with Dubbed English or English Subtitled format, but is now out of print) and DVD (English/Japanese with English subtitles). It is distributed in the US by Bandai Entertainment.
The Angel Links OVA series is set in the same universe, and two characters cross over.
The show follows the exploits of Gene Starwind, an outlaw in space, a century and a half after humans developed faster-than-light spacecraft. In the context of the series, an outlaw is simply an independent person with no major governmental loyalties, as opposed to a criminal. Outlaw Star takes the characters from the original manga but has a completely different story.
Gene, along with his 11-year old business associate and hacker Jim Hawking, runs a small jack-of-all-trades business on the backwater planet Sentinel III. After the two take a job as bodyguards for a mysterious outlaw, they find themselves the owners of a highly advanced prototype spacecraft, the XGP15A-II, later named the Outlaw Star, and the caretakers of a highly human-like android named Melfina who is mysteriously tied to the ship. Through the course of the series, the crew grows to include the bounty hunter "Twilight" Suzuka and Aisha Clan Clan, a Ctarl-Ctarl.
The show is mainly episodic in nature, combining action, suspense, and comedy. Towards the end of series, the storyline concerns the quest for the Galactic Leyline, a mythical wish-granting construction hidden in the galaxy.
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