Prétear, known as Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Pretear (新白雪姫伝説プリーティア) in Japan, is an anime and manga series. The manga story was created by Junichi Satou, and the art was made by Kaori Naruse. The anime started production in 2001, and it published in North America by ADV Films. The manga is published in English by ADV Manga. The Pretear anime (as spelled in Singapore) is published in Singapore by Odex.
The television series was produced by ADV Films, aired from April 4-June 27, 2001, ran for 13 episodes, and 4 volumes of videos were released on VHS and DVD.
Prétear is about a girl named Himeno Awayuki who aims to live a happy life especially after the death of her mother. Himeno meets Hayate, and eventually discoveres that he is one Leafe Knight (pronounced 'leef') in a group of seven. The group consists of Hayate (Knight of Wind), Sasame (Knight of Sound), Goh (Knight of Fire), Kei (Knight of Light), Mannen (Knight of Ice), Hajime (Knight of Water), and Shin (Knight of Plants). The knights explain that Takako, the 'Princess of Calamity', or 'Princess of Disaster' in the ADV translations, escaped and sent demon larva to Himeno's town, and that the Leafe, which the larvae are absorbing, is man's life force. The only way to destroy the demons is for Himeno to become the Prétear and fight them alongside the Leafe Knights.
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