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Episode Details

Season 5 Episode 6
Episode 84 of 144
Tara's twentieth birthday is approaching and Willow wants them all the be at the Bronze for the party.  Tara's family gets to town and want her to come home with them.  Her father tells her that she will become a demon on her twetieth birthday.  She decided to use magic so that her friends cannot see her demon side.  The spell has further ramifications when none of the gang can see any demons.  When a group shows up to kill Buffy, Tara realizes what she's done and reverses the spell.  After the demons leave, Spike, who was helping unseen by the group, hits Tara in the face.  The pain that he feels shows the gang that she is not a demon but fully human.
Joss Whedon - Writer
Joss Whedon - Director
Mercedes McNab as Harmony Kendall
Brian Tee as Intern
Charlie Weber as Ben
Amber Benson as Tara
Amber Benson as Tara
Teddy Pendergrass as Demon
Ezra Buzzington as Bartender
Megan Gray as Sandy
Clare Kramer as Glory
Amy Adams as Cousin Beth
Steve Rankin as Mr Maclay
Kevin Rankin as Donny
Peggy Goss as Crazy Person
Added: 21-May-2002     Last Update: 21-May-2002

Presented: 04-Jul-2024 08:52:24

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