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Episode Details

I Hate You, Takasugi
Season 1 Episode 21
Episode 21 of 26
After Izumi's call, Hiroki pays a visit to her to make sure everything is all right.  He accidentally drops the handkerchief that Ryo gave him and she picks it up.  Yuki is in a bad state after Fifi-chan disappears and becomes more and more distressed.  Ryo sees Izumi with Hiroki's handkerchief and Izumi tells her that he belongs to her even though he may stray for a time.  Ryo goes looking for Fifi-chan and it begins to rain.  Hiroki motions to her to come to a cabin where they dry out.  He ties to find out what her feeling for him are and she tells him that she hates him.
Tomomichi Mochizuki - Director
Hiro Maruyama - Writer
Added: 07-Apr-2006     Last Update: 24-Jan-2008

Presented: 16-Jun-2024 06:26:15

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