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Episode Details

Here Comes Ayeka!
Season 1 Episode 2
Episode 2 of 20
We open this episode on Ayeka's spaceship. She is being brought out of sleep by Azaka and Kamidake (her guardians) because they have detected the energy reading of Ryoko. We find that she is in search of her brother Yosho who was in pursuit of the space pirate Ryoko when last heard from. Ayeka tells her guardians that Ryoko must be captured and brought back to Jurai for trial. They inform her that Ryoko's statute of limitations has expired but this does not daunt Ayeka as she will make up something as long as they capture her.

Back on Earth, Ryoko gets out of Tenchi's bed and tries to convince Tenchi to give her the three gems that are on the hilt of his sword. She says that they are necessary to control the other demon in the cave named Ryo-Ohki. Tenchi won't give her the gems and Ryoko attempts to take the sword from him. The sword gives her a shock and she cannot hold on to it. They realize that the gems must be given to Ryoko by Tenchi.

Noboyuki, Tenchi's father, hears noises from Tenchi's room and goes to investigate. He sees that Tenchi has a girl in his room and rationalizes a way to "peep" in on them

Ryoko continues to tell Tenchi that he must give her the gems to save them from the coming threat.

Noboyuki, by now, has got a video recorder and is on a ladder outside Tenchi's window trying to videotape his "son's development in sex."

Ayeka brings her ship in to hover over Tenchi's house and demands that Ryoko come out and surrender herself. When she doesn't come out, she fires a warning shot that blows out the windows in Tenchi's house. This convinces Tenchi that he must help Ryoko and so he "prays" the gems to her. When the gem is transferred, Ryoko gets upset because she only got one of them but that is all that Tenchi intended to give her. Ryoko says that that is enough to control Ryo-Ohki, her spaceship, and so she calls her. Ayeka detects Ryo-Ohki and orders her ship to fire on her. Ryo-Ohki transports Ryoko and Tenchi on board her while, at the same time, shrinking the house and Tenchi's father and storing them on board as well. Ryoko attempts to run from Ayeka but Ayeka is able to seal her up with her powers. She then sends Azaka and Kamidake to capture the space pirate. They capture Tenchi as well.

With Ryo-Ohki in tow, Ayeka interrogates Ryoko. She wants to know why "that Earthling" had the sword with him, referring to the sword Tenchi got in the cave in episode one Ryoko Resurrected. Ayeka reveals that the sword belongs to her brother Yosho and wants to know where he is. Ryoko tells her that it belongs to Tenchi and that she will have to ask him if she wants more answers. There is some confusion at this and Ryoko tells Ayeka that the "Earthling's" name is Tenchi just like the sword's name is Tenchi. Ryoko is saved from further torture by two flying spheres that inform Ayeka of her bed time by order of the Queen.

Tenchi wakes up in the center of a strange tree and discovers that he cannot get out of its branches without it grabbing him and throwing him back. He attempts to cut his way out with a small pocket knife. A young girl is watching him from the bushes. She approaches and tells Tenchi that her name is Sasami from the planet Jurai and that they are on her sister Ayeka's ship. Sasami wants Tenchi to play a game with her so she lets him out of his prison with what looks like a smaller version of the sword hilt he found in the cave. Tenchi realizes he no longer has the sword on him. He asks Sasami if she could return him home. She agrees if he will do something for her.

Ayeka, in her bedroom, remembers her brother long ago and how they were to be married (which is acceptable on her planet).

Sasami's "favor" of Tenchi is that he get Ayeka's headband from her while she sleeps. Tenchi goes into Ayeka's bedroom where she is now sleeping and sees that she is holding the sword. He attempts to get the sword but awakens Ayeka and she orders her guardians to kill him. He grabs the sword and runs to Sasami and carries her away. They escape Azaka and Kamidake by jumping into a hole in one of the trees. They land near where Ryoko is being held captive. Ryoko asks Tenchi to get her out and he says he can't but his sword glows and the limbs part anyway. Sasami tells Tenchi that that sword belonged to Yosho and, remembering the gems in the hilt, Ryoko make another attempt to get them back. They are interrupted by Ayeka and her guardians. Ayeka asks Tenchi about the sword and Tenchi tells her of the legend of Yosho and that Yosho is dead. Ayeka sends the guardians after them and vines from the trees wrap Ryoko up. Tenchi yells for them to stop and the vines let go. Ayeka wonders why the sword, the master key, works for Tenchi when she finally begins to understand that the story may be true after all. Tenchi calls Ryo-Ohki with the gems in the sword and he and Ryoko escape in her.

Ryoko takes Ryo-Ohki and forces Ayeka's ship into the Earth's atmosphere. They crash land, smashing the Great Sato Bridge, and end up in the lake in the valley beneath the Masaki Shrine. Their landing is reported on the news as a meteor strike.

Tenchi's house has been restored in the valley by the lake under the shrine.

Tenchi, his father, Ryoko and Sasami are eating as Ayeka tries in vain to save her ship. As Ayeka mourns her fate, the "camera" pulls back to reveal the new landscape around the Masaki Shrine.
Added: 07-Apr-2006     Last Update: 26-Jan-2007

Presented: 02-Jul-2024 11:45:01

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