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Episode Details

Season 1 Episode 4
Episode 4 of 8
Jaime, after getting on to her little sister for lying to her, lies herself about going to see a friend when she's sent on a mission.  Her mission is to rescue a doctor in Paraguay.  Meanwhile, Sarah Corvus is captured and taken in for treatment.  Jonas tries to get Jae to get her to tell them where Anthros is but she escapes.  Jaime and Antonio find him and the thumb drive that he has with information on Jaime.  Since he has read the info, Antonio is going to kill him but Jaime has plans to save him.  The doctor high tails it after he takes a bullet out of Jaime's shoulder but not before he tells her that she's only got about five years to live.  Jaime is conflicted with all the lies she's been told and all the lies that she has to tell his sister.
Added: 03-Oct-2007     Last Update: 19-Oct-2007

Presented: 08-Jul-2024 05:25:11

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