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This website began on AOL as a simple Doctor Who episode guide and evolved from there.  Now I'm revamping it.

Conversion to BS-V4 Status


Conversion to BS-V4 Status
    Finished - fully converted but still undergoing periodic tweeking and updates.


I have flown a few kites in the past. My dad was a good kite flyer and he flew for over 20 years until he got too sick to continue. After he passed away, we were going to go through them and probably sell them or something. I was going through them to find a large kite for a kite flying friend of my dad's and began getting nostalgic seeing all them. I began imagining the time and effort (not counting money) that was tied up in these kites. I decided that I would fly each kite once before deciding what to do with them. In the process I have rekindled something in me. Here is a log of my kite flying since my father's passing.

OK. The kindling died down. I'm keeping this here for future reference. Who knows....

Conversion to BS-V4 Status
    Finished - fully converted but still undergoing periodic tweeking and updates.

Model Trains

Conversion to BS-V4 Status
    Not needed - new section.

Music - Song Lyrics

Just another Song Lyrics site. Well, okay, there isn't much on here but, I just wanted to take my favorite songs, the ones I wanted to know the words to, and put them someplace that I can get to them easily. That's it...

Disclaimer: This section is for informational purposes only. Lyrics contained on this site are subject to copyright laws and are the property of their respective authors, artists and / or recording labels.

Conversion to BS-V4 Status
    Finished - fully converted but still undergoing periodic tweeking and updates.

OU Sooners Football
People and Roles

This is always a work in progress. I am still in the process of consolidating my multiple databases into more manageable pieces. I am moving all of these into a central repository.

Please Note: The People and Roles section uses cookies in order to redirect you back to the previous section. If your browser does not have cookies enabled, then you will need to use the back arrow in order to return to the calling page.

Conversion to BS-V4 Status

Robin Ventura Cards

I used to really be into collecting baseball and football cards. I started at the tail end of the "normal era" of card collecting, just before Upper Deck started their first high-dollar set. At that time it was possible to own one of every card made each year and I am a completist.

A while later my father wanted to get into collecting but, by then the inserts and specialty cards had hit in force. It was no longer feasible to collect a sport and get all of the cards for a certain year. My father was an Oklahoma State fan, so he decided that he would collect only players that played for OSU - in particular - Robin Ventura.

There is no telling how many hours he spent on eBay and in card shops looking for Ventura cards. He kept pretty good records of his collection in Excel also. When he passed away I inherited the collection and, in fact, have added a few cards here and there to fill in some blanks. This may be one of the most complete collections of Robin Ventura around.

I will try to add card fronts and backs when I get the time.

Trading Cards Database a good place for finding and tracking cards and collections. They have no export function though.

Conversion to BS-V4 Status
    Finished - fully converted but still undergoing periodic tweeking and updates.

Movies and Shows

This section is the combination of the Episode Guides, Anime and Movies I've Seen. I've combined them because they are so similar. You may still separate out the search criteria when listing shows.

This section has now combined with the DVD's section as well.

The four basic areas in this section are:

  1. Movies - Movies I've Seen
  2. Anime - Television and Movies
  3. Doctor Who - Television and Movies
  4. Television Shows - Including Anime Television

A general explanation for some sections of this website:

  • Japanese Language: Some titles are in the Japanese language. If your browser does not support this, then you may see some strange characters such as boxes or question marks.
  • Run Times: Movie run times are for the US release only. Television show and direct to video run times are per episode. A general time of 25 minutes for a 30 minute episodes and 45 minutes for hour long episodes for television shows is used. Some television shows may have variable length episodes and in these cases the run time is the most common episode length. Where known the actual episode duration is listed on the episode details page.
  • Release Date: Some released dates are not known exactly. If this is the case, then if only the year is known the release date will be Jan 1st of that year. If the year and month are known then the release date will be the 1st of the month for that year.
  • Video Direct: If an anime is a direct to video release then the term is OVA otherwise it is listed as a Video Direct release.
  • Year 1st Watched: For what it's worth, the year first watched for episodic shows is the year I watched the first episode of that series.
  • The Rating System:
    The Rating System here is for users to rate the anime listed on this site.  This site uses 1 through 5 for the ratings.  How these values are determined is up to you.  My guidelines are as follows:

    1. Wouldn't watch again if you paid me.
    2. Might watch again but didn't really like it.
    3. I'll watch it again if it happens to be playing at the time.
    4. I'll watch this one again when the mood hits me.
    5. I'll watch this one over and over.
  • Languages: If there are no languages listed for the actors or crew then English is assumed.
  • Reviews: If you would like to write a review for one of these titles and/or episodes, please let me know at the address at the bottom of this page.
Stamp Collection

It was 1975 and my teacher's husband came to school and showed us his stamp collection. I was really impressed being the nerdy kinda person I was (and still am). I told our friend Kathy Wrights about it and then she brought out her stamp collection and showed them to me. She had her stamps in mint condition and mounted, without hinges, and the album was so cool. I started collecting then myself. Unfortunately, being a kid and on an extremely limited budget, I had to make due with used cancelled stamps. These I put into my Minuteman album with hinges.

As things sometimes do, I always kept my stamp album but packed it away into the top of my closet. Then in the 90s I decided to get back into it but, this time with only mint condition stamps mounted with Showgard mounts. This lasted a few months and then once again went forgotten - or at least pushed back to a "I need to get those albums out again" thought that never had a follow-up.

Then one day perusing eBay I discovered the vast sources of stamps that could fill in my collecting gaps (of which there are many) for a reasonable price. This time I ditched the Minuteman albums and went with the American Heirloom albums. These are not too shabby albums that won't break the bank. I've been off and on with the philately since then.

Since that time, I've quit purchasing on eBay and moved to HipStamp. They are much better than eBay and specialize in stamps.

References for the information on this site are many but, the main ones are:

Arago Smithsonian National Postal Museum
Jim's Stamp Album an awesome online stamp album a valuable resource
The Postal Service Guide to US Stamps (various editions). a valuable resource for all stamps US and Worldwide - collection connection

Conversion to BS-V4 Status
    Finished - fully converted but still undergoing periodic tweeking and updates.

USA Documents

There was a period in my life, when I was more involved in (or at least paid more attention to) things politic. I always heard people say "well, that's unconstitutional" blah blah blah. So, I wanted to know for sure what was constitutional by reading it. So, I added this section for that reason. It has the US Constitution along with the Amendments and a couple of other documents.

Conversion to BS-V4 Status
    Finished - fully converted but still undergoing periodic tweeking and updates.

General Information
  • Not Converted: Doctor Who, Jolynne's Website
  • Semi-Converted: People, Movies and Shows
  • Converted BSV4: Books, Comic Book Collection, Common Pages, Sooners Football, Robin Ventura Cards, Song Lyrics, Stamp Collection, USA Documents

External Links

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These links are provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by this website and its owners of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation, organization or individual.

This website bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of external sites or for links contained within.
Contact the relevant external site for answers to questions regarding the contents therein.


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