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Episode Details

Body of the Sanctioned
Season 1 Episode 2
Episode 2 of 51
The boys fight the man with the Philosopher's Stone, named Father Cornello.  They upset Rose by doubting that he can bring her dead boyfriend back to her but Ed and Al are adamant that human alchemy cannot be done.  Cornello captures Ed and Al because he thinks that they were sent by the army to spy on his "great works".  Ed and Al conspire to let the town know what the Father is truly like and succeed in broadcasting Father Cornello's confessions over the PA.  During the final confrontation with Cornello, they discover that his Philosopher's Stone is a fake.  As they leave Rose meets them and asks them why they had to ruin what the town had.  They ask her is she would have rather lived the lie.
Mike McFarland - Director
Christopher Neel - Writer
Jared Hedges - Writer

Seiji Mizushima - Director
R Bruce Elliott as Additional Voices
Tyler Walker as Additional Voices
Sophie McNutt as Additional Voices
Bob Carter as Cray
Andy Mullins as Father Cornello
Added: 16-Oct-2006     Last Update: 19-Oct-2006

Presented: 29-Jun-2024 10:39:22

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