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Episode Details

That Which is Lost
Season 1 Episode 16
Episode 16 of 51
Ed and Al have to return to their home town to get Ed's Auto Mail fixed and so he can then repair Al's armor.  On the way, Al's crate that he is travelling in is unloaded accidentally at a small town.  Ed must find him and Armstong tags along a body guard.  When Ed gets his leg stolen by a young girl trying to help her father, things happen that cause him to question some of his deeply held beliefs.
Colleen Clinkenbeard - Director
Jared Hedges - Writer

Seiji Mizushima - Director
Wendy Powell as Additional Voices
Monica Rial as Additional Voices
Elise Baughman as Additional Voices
Justin Pate as Additional Voices
Kate Bristol as Granddaughter
Chris Cason as Grandson
Dameon Clarke as Scar
Robert McCollum as Veteran
Sonny Strait as Maes Hughes
Christopher R Sabat as Alex Louis Armstrong
Laura Bailey as Lust
Ed Blaylock as Fuhrer King Bradley
Kyle Hebert as Vato Falman
Mike McFarland as Jean Havoc
Kevin M Connolly as Kain Fuery
Sonny Strait as Lt Col Maes Huges
Colleen Clinkenbeard as Lt Hawkeye
Josh Berry as Heymans Breda
Brice Armstrong as Tim Marcoh
Added: 16-Oct-2006     Last Update: 27-Oct-2006

Presented: 01-Jun-2024 05:59:18

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