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Episode Details

Sea God of the East, Azure Sea of the West - Chapter Two
Season 1 Episode 42
Episode 42 of 45
Atsuyu originally took over from his father because he allied himself with the previous king who was incompetent.  Shoryuu appears to be taking things too lightly for his cabinet members and to the rebellion.  The taiho even thinks he's an idiot.  Shoryuu begins massing the army to head to Gen province and at the same time he begins to shore up the river banks further up.  Lady Ribi cuts the magical thread around the taiho's head killing herself so that he may go free.  What she'd forgotten though is that blood causes a kirin to become ill and Rokuta cannot leave.
Added: 09-Jul-2007     Last Update: 06-Aug-2007

Presented: 01-Jun-2024 01:18:27

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