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Book Details

Bleak House

78.6% complete
Classics; Fiction
1 time
See 67
1 - In Chancery
2 - In Fashion
3 - A Progress
4 - Telescopic Philanthropy
5 - A Morning Adventure
6 - Quite at Home
7 - The Ghost's Walk
8 - Covering a Multitude of Sins
9 - Signs and Tokens
10 - The Law-Writer
11 - Our Dear Brother
12 - On the Watch
13 - Esther's Narrative
14 - Deportment
15 - Bell Yard
16 - Tom-all-Alone's
17 - Esther's Narrative
18 - Lady Dedlock
19 - Moving on
20 - A New Lodger
21 - The Smallweed Family
22 - Mr. Bucket
23 - Esther's Narrative
24 - An Appeal Case
25 - Mrs. Snagsby Sees it All
26 - Sharpshooters
27 - More Old Soldiers than One
28 - The Ironmaster
29 - The Young Man
30 - Esther's Narrative
31 - Nurse and Patient
32 - The Appointed Time
33 - Interlopers
34 - A Turn of the Screw
35 - Esther's Narrative
36 - Chesney Wold
37 - Jarndyce and Jarndyce
38 - A Struggle
39 - Attorney and Client
40 - National and Domestic
41 - In Mr. Tulkinghorn's Room
42 - In Mr. Tulkinghorn's Chambers
43 - Esther's Narrative
44 - The Letter and the Answer
45 - In Trust
46 - Stop him!
47 - Jo's Will
48 - Closing In
49 - Dutiful Friendship
50 - Esther's Narrative
51 - Enlightened
52 - Obstinacy
53 - The Track
54 - Springing a Mine
55 - Flight
56 - Pursuit
57 - Esther's Narrative
58 - A Wintry Day and Night
59 - Esther's Narrative
60 - Perspective
61 - A Discovery
62 - Another Discovery
63 - Steel and Iron
64 - Esther's Narrative
65 - Beginning the World
66 - Down in Lincolnshire
67 - The Close of Esther's Narrative
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Dedicated, as a remembrance of our friendly union, to my companions in the guild of literature and art
May contain spoilers
"But I know that my dearest little pets are very pretty, and that my darling is very beautiful, and that my husband is very handsome, and that my guardian has the brightest and most benevolent face that ever was seen, and that they can very well do without much beauty in me - even supposing - ."
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Extract (may contain spoilers)
It was interesting when I dressed before daylight to peep out of window, where my candles were reflected in the black panes like two beacons, and finding all beyond still enshrouded in the indistinctness of last night, to watch how it turned out when the day came on. As the prospect gradually revealed itself and disclosed the scene over which the wind had wandered in the dark, like my memory over my life, I had a pleasure in discovering the unknown objects that had been around me in my sleep. At first they were faintly discernible in the mist, and above them the later stars still glimmered. That pale interval over, the picture began to enlarge and fill up so fast that at every new peep I could have found enough to look at for an hour. Imperceptibly my candles became the only incongruous part of the morning, the dark places in my room all melted away, and the day shone bright upon a cheerful landscape, prominent in which the old Abbey Church, with its massive tower, threw a softer train of shadow on the view than seemed compatible with its rugged character. But so from rough outsides (I hope I have learnt), serene and gentle influences often proceed.

Every part of the house was in such order, and every one was so attentive to me, that I had no trouble with my two bunches of keys, though what with trying to remember the contents of each little store–room drawer and cupboard; and what with making notes on a slate about jams, and pickles, and preserves, and bottles, and glass, and china, and a great many other things; and what with being generally a methodical, old–maidish sort of foolish little person, I was so busy that I could not believe it was breakfast–time when I heard the bell ring. Away I ran, however, and made tea, as I had already been installed into the responsibility of the tea–pot; and then, as they were all rather late and nobody was down yet, I thought I would take a peep at the garden and get some knowledge of that too. I found it quite a delightful place—in front, the pretty avenue and drive by which we had approached (and where, by the by, we had cut up the gravel so terribly with our wheels that I asked the gardener to roll it); at the back, the flower–garden, with my darling at her window up there, throwing it open to smile out at me, as if she would have kissed me from that distance. Beyond the flower–garden was a kitchen–garden, and then a paddock, and then a snug little rick–yard, and then a dear little farm–yard. As to the house itself, with its three peaks in the roof; its various–shaped windows, some so large, some so small, and all so pretty; its trellis–work, against the south–front for roses and honey–suckle, and its homely, comfortable, welcoming look—it was, as Ada said when she came out to meet me with her arm through that of its master, worthy of her cousin John, a bold thing to say, though he only pinched her dear cheek for it.

Mr. Skimpole was as agreeable at breakfast as he had been overnight. There was honey on the table, and it led him into a discourse about bees. He had no objection to honey, he said (and I should think he had not, for he seemed to like it), but he protested against the overweening assumptions of bees. He didn't at all see why the busy bee should be proposed as a model to him; he supposed the bee liked to make honey, or he wouldn't do it—nobody asked him. It was not necessary for the bee to make such a merit of his tastes. If every confectioner went buzzing about the world banging against everything that came in his way and egotistically calling upon everybody to take notice that he was going to his work and must not be interrupted, the world would be quite an unsupportable place. Then, after all, it was a ridiculous position to be smoked out of your fortune with brimstone as soon as you had made it. You would have a very mean opinion of a Manchester man if he spun cotton for no other purpose. He must say he thought a drone the embodiment of a pleasanter and wiser idea. The drone said unaffectedly, "You will excuse me; I really cannot attend to the shop! I find myself in a world in which there is so much to see and so short a time to see it in that I must take the liberty of looking about me and begging to be provided for by somebody who doesn't want to look about him." This appeared to Mr. Skimpole to be the drone philosophy, and he thought it a very good philosophy, always supposing the drone to be willing to be on good terms with the bee, which, so far as he knew, the easy fellow always was, if the consequential creature would only let him, and not be so conceited about his honey!


Added: 01-Nov-2018
Last Updated: 18-May-2022


In my libraryI read this editionHas a cover imageBook Edition Cover
Date Issued:
43 hrs 30 min (932 pages)
1)   7 Sep 2017 - 12 Oct 2017
Internal ID:
United States
Ezwa - Meta Coordinator
HeartofTexas - Proof Listener
Cynthia Lyons  - Narration
Cynthia Lyons - Book Coordinator

Bleak House is the ninth novel by Charles Dickens, published in 20 monthly parts between March 1852 and September 1853. It is widely held to be one of Dickens' finest and most complete novels, containing one of the most vast, complex and engaging arrays of minor characters and sub-plots in his entire canon. Dickens tells all of these both through the narrative of the novel's heroine, Esther Summerson, and as an omniscient narrator. Memorable characters include the menacing lawyer Tulkinghorn, the friendly but depressive John Jarndyce and the childish Harold Skimpole. The plot concerns a long-running legal dispute (Jarndyce and Jarndyce) which has far-reaching consequences for all involved.
Book Cover
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ePub Books
In my libraryHas a cover imageBook Edition Cover
Date Issued:
Cir 01-Jan-2011
Internal ID:
United States

Bleak House, Dickens’s most daring experiment in the narration of a complex plot, challenges the reader to make connections - between the fashionable and the outcast, the beautiful and the ugly, the powerful and the victims. Nowhere in Dickens’s later novels is his attack on an uncaring society more imaginatively embodied, but nowhere either is the mixture of comedy and angry satire more deftly managed. Bleak House defies a single description. It is a mystery story, in which Esther Summerson discovers the truth about her birth and her unknown mother’s tragic life. It is a murder story, which comes to a climax in a thrilling chase, led by one of the earliest detectives in English fiction, Inspector Bucket. And it is a fable about redemption, in which a bleak house is transformed by the resilience of human love.
Book Cover
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ePub Books




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  • I try to maintain page numbers for audiobooks even though obviously there aren't any. I do this to keep track of pages read and I try to use the Kindle version page numbers for this.
  • Synopses marked with an asterisk (*) were generated by an AI. There aren't a lot since this is an iffy way to do it - AI seems to make stuff up.
  • When specific publication dates are unknown (ie prefixed with a "Cir"), I try to get the publication date that is closest to the specific printing that I can.
  • When listing chapters, I only list chapters relevant to the story. I will usually leave off Author Notes, Indices, Acknowledgements, etc unless they are relevant to the story or the book is non-fiction.
  • Page numbers on this site are for the end of the main story. I normally do not include appendices, extra material, and other miscellaneous stuff at the end of the book in the page count.

See my goodreads icon goodreads page. I almost never do reviews, but I use this site to catalogue books.
See my librarything icon librarything page. I use this site to catalogue books and it has more details on books than goodreads does.

Presented: 16-Feb-2025 07:11:11

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