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Episode Details

The Night Before The Carnival
Season 1 Episode 7
Episode 7 of 20
Another "normal" day at Tenchi's house, Ryoko won't leave him alone. He goes to get dressed and notices his ring. When he tries to take it off, he transforms into his battle uniform and a seed drops onto the floor.  He leaves the room and sees Ayeka. He tells her that Tsunami had given him the seed to give to her. It is the offspring of Ryo-Oh, her ship.

Ayeka goes to see Washu and asks that she build her a unit to plant Ryo-Oh's seed. Washu agrees as long as Ayeka calls her "Little Washu". Washu tells Ayeka that Kagato had made a unit that conforms to Jurai since he was planning on capturing Tsunami.

Ryoko finds Mihoshi and Sasami read some of Nobuyuki's manga about women trying to impress and get men. Sasami explains that they a like a handbook on how to get a man. Ryoko starts to read them to see how to impress Tenchi.

Washu brings the unit that Kagato had built out of subspace for Ayeka.

Sasami is cooking breakfast and Tenchi goes to Washu's laboratory to get everyone for breakfast. Washu grabs Tenchi for some tests. Meanwhile, Ayeka is planting her seed in the unit and has to warn Ryo-Ohki that she is not planting carrots. Back in the lab, Washu is just about to take some sperm samples (the old fashioned way) when they are interrupted by Mihoshi. Sasami sits at the table, all alone, ready for breakfast wondering where everyone is.

Tenchi is out in the yard sweeping when Ryoko attempts to enact one of the manga scenes to get him. Ayeka sees this and discovers how Ryoko is "researching" her data. Mihoshi interrupts Ryoko, thinking that she is sick and once again saves Tenchi's day. Ayeka is off to the "library" for research as well.

The girls continue to read and to pester Tenchi with the things they have learned from the books as well as having their own spats with each other. Ayeka tries to knit Tenchi a sweater and Ryoko attempt to cook him some food (which knocks Ryo-Ohki for a loop when she tastes it).

The girls show Tenchi that they are each perfect matches for his based on the manga they've been reading. Tenchi tells them that those books are at least ten years old. Washu shows up with a current edition and tells them that they are both horrible matches and that she is the perfect match.

Ryoko goes to see Katsuhito to get his blessing for her and Tenchi but when she gets there Mihoshi is sweeping outside the shrine and Katsuhito tells her she would be a great girlfriend for Tenchi.

For some odd reason, there are hundreds of Ryo-Ohki's eating the vegetables from the food shed and Tenchi allows them each one more carrot if they go back to the pond. Evidently these are the crystals that form Ryo-Ohki as a space ship?

The next day Ryoko and Ayeka are in the floating onsen and they agree that they will form a temporary alliance in order to get all of the competition for Tenchi out of the way. Ryoko uses the phone to call Mihoshi and pretend to be her superior office. She demands a report and Mihoshi has to leave. She gets Washu to bring her spaceship out of subspace so she can leave. When the ship arrives, it brings the demon from episode 4 Mihoshi Falls to the Land of Stars with it. Washu zaps it and it vaporizes. She says, "Having a foolish daughter is more work for mom." Mihoshi says her goodbye's and Tenchi says that she is welcome back anytime she wants.

Ryoko ties Ayeka up and leaves her in the shed as she goes of to try and seduce Tenchi.

Mihoshi files her report and makes a verbal report to her superior. She tells him that she is staying on Earth and he informs her that the Earth is under the Jurai jurisdiction and that the Galaxy police cannot do that without a formal invitation from the house of Jurai plus, she has been given a promotion to go to work in the central office. Since Tenchi had said she can come back anytime she likes, this is an invitation, so she cuts the link with headquarters and returns to Earth.

As Ryoko tries to enter the Tenchi's room, she is teleported into the lake by a trap that Ayeka has set. On her way back to the room she meets Ayeka in the hall and, you guessed it, they start arguing and fighting.

Sasami is asleep in her room and starts to have a dream in which she is hurt and Tenchi tries to help her. He is taken away by a mysterious hand and Sasami awakes yelling, "Don't take him away!" She runs to Tenchi's room, knocks on the door, and asks Tenchi if she can sleep with him because of her dream. Ryoko and Ayeka, outside the room, hears Tenchi and Washu's voices and Ryo-Ohki's meow through the door after Sasami goes in. They are both upset and rush to the room, opening the door. They are both teleported to the lake. Tenchi wonders what that noise was and Washu tells him it was just "two wet fools who forgot to knock."

Ayeka and Ryoko make their way out of the pond. Tenchi hears a sound outside and Washu says it sounds like Mihoshi's ship. Mihoshi makes her arrival back on Earth, as usual, with a crash. The next morning, in the burned out wreckage around Tenchi's house, Ayeka sees her tree beginning to sprout.
Added: 07-Apr-2006     Last Update: 01-Feb-2007

Presented: 03-Jul-2024 12:16:13

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