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Episode Details

Sasami & Tsunami
Season 2 Episode 2
Episode 9 of 20
Tenchi, his father, grandfather and the rest of the gang arrive back at the hot springs resort that they visited in episode four Mihoshi Falls to the Land of Stars. It is still in a shambles from their last visit and they soon discover that that is the reason they have been invited back - to make repairs. Washu uses her little girl looks to get out of the work. Before they all make their way indoors, the innkeeper mentions the fact that there seemed to be nine of them and yet there are only eight. Washu and Sasami head off into the woods but before they go Sasami wants to tell Ayeka something and then changes her mind.

In the woods, Sasami disappears. Washu thinks, since she has Ryo-Ohki with her, that she'll be all right and so continues her own explorations.

The men are given chores repairing the damaged inn while the women are sent to the kitchens to prepare food. While on the roof, the men are talking about the "true" reason for being invited to the hot springs, when they all have a bit of a mishap involving fingers and hammers.

In the kitchen, Ayeka and Ryoko are arguing about each others potato preparations when they see a mysterious white figure walk by outside the door. Ayeka goes to investigate and Ryoko takes some of her potatoes for herself. Outside, Ayeka finds Sasami and Ryo-Ohki. Sasami tells Ayeka that she didn't see anyone and again tries to tell her something but is interrupted by Ryoko's yell from the kitchen.

The men are outside repairing a wall when Noboyuki and Katsuhito (Tenchi's father and grandfather) both see the white figure walking at the end of the corridor. Tenchi, not looking in the same direction, continues to work on the wall.

Later, Ayeka and Ryoko are telling Tenchi about the white figure they saw and are succeeding in scaring both Tenchi and Mihoshi. Tenchi mentions that his father and grandfather both saw something similar. A fog starts to creep into the room and Tenchi's grandfather seems to just appear with a candle. He proceeds to tell them a story about a white ghost. After the story is finished, the innkeeper comes in complaining that they have all rested long enough and kicks Ayeka and Ryoko out into the hall. She then chastises Noboyuki and Katsuhito for telling their white ghost story.

Tenchi gets stuck with fixing the lights and, while in the room with the circuit breaker, he becomes frightened and falls against a wall. Just as he is beginning to think that it was just a can rolling around, a white hand touches him on the back. He races down the corridor and out a hole in the wall to plunge into the hot springs where he sees Ayeka, Ryoko, Washu and Mihoshi. They all look in the direction Tenchi came from a see the white ghost. Tenchi's father, in the meantime, has found that Tenchi is no longer fixing the lights and turns them on himself. This reveals to Tenchi and the girls that Sasami is standing there instead of a white ghost. They are all relieved until Mihoshi points out that Sasami's reflection is that of Tsunami. Sasami runs off into the woods frightened and they all go looking for her.

Ayeka finally catches up with Sasami. Tenchi soon sees her as well but is pulled into the bushes by Washu and is told to keep quite. He sees that Washu has tied up Mihoshi and Ryoko to keep them quite as well.

Sasami and Tsunami finally tell Ayeka what it was that Sasami was trying to tell her before. When Ryoko attacked Planet Jurai 700 years ago, Sasami fell to her death in the place that the Juraian trees are grown. She fell close to Tsunami the Ship of Jurai (the most powerful space tree capable to creating the Ten Wings of the Light Hawk). Tsunami assimilated her in order to bring her back from the brink of death. Sasami has known this for some time and has wanted to tell Ayeka but was afraid that Ayeka's feelings for her would change. Ayeka uses a little reverse psychology on Sasami to make her understand that see will always consider her to be her sister and nothing could change that. Tenchi falls (is pushed by Washu) out of the bushes and tells Sasami that they all like her just the way she is. Sasami runs to Tenchi, which causes Ayeka just a little bit of jealousy.

Later, Sasami falls asleep and Tsunami appears to Tenchi and Ayeka and informs them that Sasami did not die on that day but that she couldn't tell Sasami that because she was too young to understand.

The lights are once again restored and the forest is lighted by lanterns. The rest of the gang show up with food and sake. They are all eating and Ryoko tries to get Tenchi to drink sake with her when she notices Ayeka over by the lake looking sad. Thinking that it is because of the developments, Tsunami appears once again and tries to explain that, when Sasami grows older, she will look like Tsunami but will still have all of her memories. Ayeka and Ryoko realize that, if Sasami is to look like Tsunami when she gets older, then they will have another rival for Tenchi's affections since she is more beautiful than either of them. As usual Ayeka and Ryoko start to argue and soon draw the attention of Mihoshi, who attempts to break it up. On the way over she trips and knocks them into the lake. They then pull her in as well and, with Tsunami laughing.
Added: 07-Apr-2006     Last Update: 26-Jan-2007

Presented: 03-Jul-2024 12:48:43

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