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Episode Details

The Advent of Goddess
Season 2 Episode 4
Episode 11 of 20
This episode opens with Dr Clay on his way to meet with Lady Tokimi. He first meets with D3 and then with Lady Tokimi who tells Dr Clay that she wants to meet with Washu and that she is not to be harmed. If Clay brings Washu to Lady Tokimi, she will grant him the riling rights over one entire galaxy.

On the way back to their ship Zero, Dr Clay's robot, states that it is scared after meeting Lady Tokimi because she was there with them but nothing about her registered in the databank. Dr Clay tells Zero not to think about it anymore since he has a more difficult task ahead for it.

Later, on Earth, Ryoko is walking back to the house after getting some sake when Zero attacks her. Zero assimilates her memories, body and gems. The gem starts a reaction and blows off Zero-Ryoko's hand. Dr Clay realizes that he cannot copy it even though there should be nothing he can't copy with the powers Tokimi gave him. Clay was going to dispose of Ryoko there but he decides to keep the real Ryoko alive since he has to borrow her gem to make the copy complete and wants to study her more closely. As Ryoko is pulled in by Dr Clay she yells for Tenchi.

In Washu's lab Tenchi is being studied again when he thinks that he hears someone calling his name. Tenchi tells Washu that he hasn't been able to create the Light Hawk Wings since his battle with Kagato. Washu thinks that the creation of the Light Hawk Wings is purely mental since normally he doesn't need Light Hawk Wings in his everyday life. Sasami calls them to eat.

Ryoko is running late and Tenchi goes to look for her. Zero-Ryoko zooms across the lake and peers in at Washu. When Tenchi sees her Zero-Ryoko discovers the true meaning of the feelings for Tenchi that she assimilated from Ryoko.

After dinner Washu runs some tests on the girls to determine if their stay on Earth has changed them physically. She starts with Ayeka and everything seems normal.

When she hooks up Zero-Ryoko she seems to have questions about something being different. Worried that Washu has discovered her secret, she cringes, but Washu has just found that... her breasts are sagging. Mihoshi and Ryo-Ohki, playing catch with the monitoring device, draw a close to the tests.

Zero-Ryoko tries a couple more times to capture Washu but fails thanks to Tenchi and her reactions to him. During one of these attempts Dr Clay overhears Washu call Tenchi her guinea pig and wonders at that statement.

Mihoshi gets an emergency call and finds out that a Galaxy Police battleship was robbed in her sector. She is to investigate and so takes off to perform her duties.

The next day Zero-Ryoko starts having thoughts and memories from Ryoko's past about Tenchi. She meets Washu and they go to the onsen for a bath. While Washu is washing Ryoko's back she notices a mark on her backside.

While Zero-Ryoko is outside sweeping Dr Clay contacts her and she goes into space to talk to him. Dr Clay can see that Tenchi is distracting Zero-Ryoko from her job so her implants instructions into her.

On Earth, that night, Zero-Ryoko is struggling with her memories and the instructions Dr Clay has given her. She materializes outside and looks at the house before materializing inside Tenchi's room where he is asleep. She forms an energy dagger and stabs towards Tenchi, screaming. Dr Clay laughs...
Added: 07-Apr-2006     Last Update: 26-Jan-2007

Presented: 03-Jul-2024 12:18:55

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