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Episode Details

Zero Ryoko
Season 2 Episode 5
Episode 12 of 20
The last scene in Tenchi's room from Advent of Goddess (episode eleven) is replayed. We see that instead of killing Tenchi, Zero-Ryoko has driven the energy dagger into the pillow. She leaves crying and sees Washu outside in the hall.

She grabs Washu only to find that it is a doll. Washu tells her she knows about Clay when Ayeka appears and threatens Ryoko. Zero-Ryoko blasts the guardians back and tells Ayeka that, if she gets in the way, she will kill her. Tenchi makes his entrance and Ayeka tries to warn him. Zero-Ryoko leaves and Washu and Ayeka agree that they need to go save her. Tenchi doesn't understand why they are both talking of Ryoko as a "copy".

They take Ryo-Ohki and head off to find Dr Clay. Ryo-Ohki tracks Zero-Ryoko to Dr Clay's ship where they find Mihoshi's under fire. Tenchi wonders how she got there already and Washu calls her a genius (yeah... right). Washu tries to pinpoint Clay's location while, the impatient Tenchi and Ayeka head down to the ship to help Mihoshi. Washu finally gets Clays location and finds Tenchi and Ayeka gone.

On the surface of the ship Tenchi and Ayeka find that, even though Mihoshi is a bubble head, she's pretty competent (lucky mostly) when it comes to taking care of herself. They join in the battle with the remotes as Dr Clay watches from the bridge. He talks to himself about how they cannot find the bridge as Washu comes up behind him. Clay threatens to blow up the ship if Washu doesn't cooperate and asks her what the gems are that he couldn't duplicate. Washu says she doesn't know either since they've been around since she was a little girl. Dr Clay asks about her "guinea pig" as well and gets no good response.

Clay tells her that he is taking her somewhere and Washu responses get on his nerves. She frustrates him into confessing that it is Lady Tokimi who wants to see her and not himself. Washu says that she has never heard to Lady Tokimi and this surprises Dr Clay.

Mihoshi, Tenchi and Mihoshi make their way to Dr Clay only to find that they are running around in circles. Eventually, the doors slam shut around them and they are trapped.

On the bridge Washu explains how she found the bridge and about Zero-Ryoko. Dr Clay marks his favorite things with his special logo. Clay captures Washu and yet it was a doll all the time. Washu points an energy sword at Dr Clay as Zero-Ryoko makes her entrance. Dr Clay is pleased at this development but, Zero-Ryoko has other plans. She wants Dr Clay to leave Tenchi alone and she wants to live as Ryoko because she likes the memories that she has. Clay uses his ring to kill Zero-Ryoko. He turns on Washu and decides, since she cannot remember anything before 20,000 years ago, he will make a copy of her memories to peruse. He wants to find out about the gem and Washu's connection to Lady Tokimi. Zero-Ryoko awakens and frees Washu who then starts about destroying the bridge trying to get at Clay. Clay activates the self destruct and escapes to a section of the ship that is separating.

Tenchi, Ayeka and Mihoshi are running about as the ship tears itself apart. Mihoshi's bracelet starts to beep and indicates that the ship's drive will soon become a black hole. Washu, on the bridge, cannot figure out in time how to control the entire ship as the black hole expands. All she can do is control the section that she and Ryoko are on.

Dr Clay, in his escape ship, sees energy escaping from the black hole and notices that the gravity constant of the black hole is changing.

Tenchi, once again saves the day by generating the Light Hawk Wings to pull him, Ayeka and Mihoshi out of the black hole. Even though Dr Clay's mission is s failure, he decides to take the information about Tenchi to Lady Tokimi. As he heads out, Ryo-Ohki captures his escape ship.

Back on board the section of Clay's ship that was saved, Clay has been bagged and Mihoshi is ready to transport him to the authorities. Washu gives her a present that she is to give to Clay but, as usually, she drops it and it sounds as though it breaks.

Zero-Ryoko is dying and Tenchi is holding her. She tells him that she wishes that time would stand still because she always wanted to be called Ryoko. Washu has Tenchi put Zero in the other pod so that she can merge Zero and Ryoko into one. Ryoko doesn't like the sound of that but Washu convinces her that Zero's emotions would enhance Ryoko and make her whole.

Back at the "world" of Lady Tokimi, D3 asks about the Light Hawk Wings. He is impressed that it is capable of material conversion even though it only has three blades. Lady Tokimi states that "she can't say" and D3 wonders if the "can't" or "won't" say. D3 goes on to say that this dimension appears to be perfect for her purpose with Washu and Tsunami both here.

Back on Earth, Ryoko is reading when Washu yells "Oh, Tenchi." She runs out the door to meet him as she explains to Ayeka she's just having fun with Ryoko's new emotional innocence.
Added: 07-Apr-2006     Last Update: 26-Jan-2007

Presented: 03-Jul-2024 12:05:19

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