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Episode Details

Here Comes Jurai
Season 2 Episode 6
Episode 13 of 20
We start this episode at Galaxy Headquarters presumably just after Mihoshi makes her report on Kagato in episode seven Ryo-Ohki Special: The Night Before the Carnival two months before this episode. Her superior is trying to determine how to summarize her report to command headquarters and is getting some pressure to complete the job.

On Earth, Tenchi and Ayeka are working outside the shrine when a woman asks for the priest. Tenchi goes to get his grandfather and Ayeka sees the woman. She recognizes her as Funaho and Funaho tells Ayeka that "she must be at your house." Ayeka runs off to the house. When Katsuhito, Tenchi's grandfather. opens the door and sees Funaho, he says "Oh, mother."

At the house the doorbell rings and Ryoko answers it. It is a woman who thinks that's Ryoko is Sasami and hugs her and weeps all over her. Finally, Sasami comes out of the kitchen and yells, "it's my mommy!" The lady is Misaki, Sasami and Ayeka's mother. Ayeka arrives at the house and acts very dignified upon seeing her mother. Her mother gets angry and then Ayeka puts on a little girl voice yelling "mommy" and runs up to her and hugs her. When Ryoko makes fun of her, Misaki gets upset with Ryoko and (as only anime does it) pulls Ryoko's mouth wide until she reads a sign that Sasami has written that apologizes.

Back at the shrine, Funaho and Katsuhito (also known as Yosho on Jurai) are talking. Funaho asks how long her will stay in his disguise and so he drops it to reveal his true form. Yosho tells Funaho that he was planning on send Tenchi to Jurai in his place as heir to the throne. Funaho tells Yosho about the report that they received from Mihoshi and the Galaxy Police. She tells him that his father, the King of Jurai will be coming soon and that the events that have happened recently are a matter for the Jurai Holy Council and not just a family matter anymore. It is revealed that, even though Yosho's space tree, Funaho, has taken root, it still has power and is able to keep Yosho young. The gems that were embedded in the master key (Tenchi's sword) work on the same energy as Jurai energy and powered the tree, enabling it to keep Yosho alive. That same quality of power was what enabled Ryoko, 700 years ago, to break through the Jurai barriers and attack Planet Jurai. Given everything that they have found out about the gems, Ryoko should be able to generate the Light Hawk Wings the same as Tenchi. Yosho puts his disguise back on and has Tenchi escort Funaho back to the house.

On the way down from the shrine, Funaho expresses her feelings for the loss of Tenchi's mother. She says that it appears the girl (Ayeka and Sasami) are having a good time there and that it would be hard for them to leave. She also extends and invitation to Tenchi to come to Jurai with them. They are interrupted by Washu who offers to escort Funaho the rest of the way.

At the house Ryo-Ohki is entertaining Lady Misaki when Tenchi arrives. Lady Misaki give Tenchi a hug and Ayeka and Ryoko get a little jealous.

Washu understands Funaho's position here. Juraian ships are powerful but can't be mass produced whereas Ryo-Ohki can be. She is unwilling to give the technology to the Jurai family. Washu says that, since she doesn't want to alienate Tenchi, she will give the technology to anyone. She tells Funaho that she will not create another Ryoko. Funaho understands that she must be very proud of her daughter. Washu then tells her that her great-grandson is even greater. At that point the King of Jurai's ship arrives.

The King of Jurai demands that Ayeka and Sasami return home. They both refuse and remind their father that Tenchi is descended from his lineage. He shows some disrespect for the union of Yosho and an Earthling when Funaho reminds him that she too is an Earthling. Azusa, the King, informs Ayeka that he has chosen a mate for her and, with Ayeka and Ryoko fighting and Sasami being belligerent to her father, Ryo-Ohki tries to lighten the mood with a song. Azusa allows Ayeka and Sasami to stay on one condition, Tenchi must defeat the man that he has chosen as Ayeka's fiancé. This would also absolve Ryoko from the debt for the destruction of portions of Jurai she caused 700 years ago. Everyone, surprisingly, want Tenchi to battle and win.

Tenchi prepares to battle Seiryo. The girls and the King settle down to watch the fight and take bets on the outcome. The King bets on the fiancé while everyone else is betting on Tenchi except for Washu, who bets on Mihoshi. As Tenchi and Seiryo face off, Sasami hands out umbrellas. Everyone sees the spaceship falling except for Seiryo. It splashes down in the lake and takes Seiryo with the tide.

The King tells Yosho that he can wait another 2000 years for him to decide about the throne. He tells him to take care of the girls. The King, Funaho and Misaki leave and things go back to "normal".

The episode end on board the King's ship with the King saying that he has not yet given in. Ha ha ha...
Added: 07-Apr-2006     Last Update: 26-Jan-2007

Presented: 03-Jul-2024 12:20:05

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