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Book Details


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Science Fiction; Television Tie-In
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 Doctor Who - Past Doctors*
#50 of 76
Doctor Who - Past Doctors*     See series as if on a bookshelf
A series of novels by BBC Worldwide featuring stories of the past Doctors for the television show Doctor Who.

1) The Devil Goblins from Neptune
2) The Murder Game
3) The Ultimate Treasure
4) Business Unusual
5) Illegal Alien
6) The Roundheads
7) The Face of the Enemy
8) Eye of Heaven
9) The Witch Hunters
10) The Hollow Men
11) Catastrophea
12) Mission: Impractical
13) Zeta Major
14) Dreams of Empire
15) Last Man Running
16) Matrix
17) The Infinity Doctors
18) Salvation
19) The Wages of Sin
20) Deep Blue
21) Players
22) Millennium Shock
23) Storm Harvest
24) The Final Sanction
25) City at World's End
26) Divided Loyalties
27) Corpse Marker
28) Last of the Gaderene
29) Tomb of Valdemar
30) Verdigris
31) Grave Matter
32) Heart of TARDIS
33) Prime Time
34) Imperial Moon
35) Festival of Death
36) Independence Day
37) The King of Terror
38) The Quantum Archangel
39) Bunker Soldiers
40) Rags
41) The Shadow in the Glass
42) Asylum
43) Superior Beings
44) Byzantium!
45) Bullet Time
46) Psi-ence Fiction
47) Dying in the Sun
48) Instruments of Darkness
49) Relative Dementias
50) Drift
51) Palace of the Red Sun
52) Amorality Tale
53) Warmonger
54) Ten Little Aliens
55) Combat Rock
56) The Suns of Caresh
57) Heritage
58) Fear of the Dark
59) Blue Box
60) Loving the Alien
61) The Colony of Lies
62) Wolfsbane
63) Deadly Reunion
64) Scream of the Shalka
65) Empire of Death
66) The Eleventh Tiger
67) Synthespians™
68) The Algebra of Ice
69) The Indestructible Man
70) Match of the Day
71) Island of Death
72) Spiral Scratch
73) Fear Itself
74) World Game
75) The Time Travellers
76) Atom Bomb Blues
Home is were the heart is.
This is for those who have ever lost heart.
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Added: 23-Mar-2002
Last Updated: 09-Apr-2020


BBC Books
In my libraryHas a cover imageBook Edition Cover
Date Issued:
Internal ID:
United Kingdom
White: the perfect camouflage for ghosts.

White consumes the New Hampshire landscape, and troops move in on a survivalist cult following a spate of unnaturally severe blizzards.  The Special Forces group, White Shadow, is searching for the missing fragment of a US Air Force jet, crashed while engaged in top-secret test flights over the region.

The Doctor and Leela have arrived at quire literally the wrong time.  Thanksgiving is approaching - traditionally a holiday all about home a family.  But this year, all that is lost.

Lost: like the local community, in the grip of something far more sinister than a harsh winter.  Like young Amber Mailloux, victim of a broken home that won't even settle in one place.  Even White Shadow is lost, out of its depth and up against an enemy not even the Doctor can find in this world of white.

An enemy that promises the bleakest of midwinters for the people of New Hampshire, and before springtime, the end of life on Earth...
Book Cover
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BBC Books



 Simon A Forward
Birth: Cir 01 Jan 1967 Penzance, Cornwall, England, UK
From the back of the book Shell Shock:

Simon Forward was born in Penzance in 1967.  He dabbled in computer programming, but from the age of eleven he wanted to be a writer 'when he grew up'.  He is now a published author, with two Doctor Who novels, Drift (2002) and emotional Chemistry (2003) for BBC Books, a number of Doctor Who short stories for the BBC and Big Finish, as well as an audio drama, The Sandman, for Big Finish - and no doubt an expanding waistline - under his belt.  He lives to write, as opposed to writing to live, developing other SF novels and stories, as well as some works of contemporary fiction, in the constant hope of being able to do both.  Oh, and he's still waiting to grow up.


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  • I try to maintain page numbers for audiobooks even though obviously there aren't any. I do this to keep track of pages read and I try to use the Kindle version page numbers for this.
  • Synopses marked with an asterisk (*) were generated by an AI. There aren't a lot since this is an iffy way to do it - AI seems to make stuff up.
  • When specific publication dates are unknown (ie prefixed with a "Cir"), I try to get the publication date that is closest to the specific printing that I can.
  • When listing chapters, I only list chapters relevant to the story. I will usually leave off Author Notes, Indices, Acknowledgements, etc unless they are relevant to the story or the book is non-fiction.
  • Page numbers on this site are for the end of the main story. I normally do not include appendices, extra material, and other miscellaneous stuff at the end of the book in the page count.

See my goodreads icon goodreads page. I almost never do reviews, but I use this site to catalogue books.
See my librarything icon librarything page. I use this site to catalogue books and it has more details on books than goodreads does.

Presented: 05-Feb-2025 12:59:17

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