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Dragon Lord of the Savage Empire

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Copyright © 1982 by Jean Lorrah
The entire Savage Empire series is dedicated to the person who got me into professional sf writing and then encouraged me to start my own series:

Jacqueline Lichtenberg
The full moon lighted the land with ghostly luminescence.
May contain spoilers
Confidently, he took her hand and led her out to join the celebration in the forum.
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Extract (may contain spoilers)
The rope came up bit by bit.  Then eager hands pulled Julia and the soldier over the brink as a cheer went up.  Divested of ropes, Julia leaped into Lenardo's arms as Arkus and Josa let go, staggering and leaning heavily on each other.  The wall fell with a crash, and dust flew up from the mouth to settle over everyone.

In the next few hours, operating purely by rote, Lenardo Read the children and the rescuers, made sure that everyone with injury or strain was healed, distributed rewards to all who had helped in the rescue, and finally bathed the grime off himself in the cold water of the bathhouse.  His order that everyone bathe at least twice a week had caused grumbling, but in the heat of summer it was being obeyed.  They'd have to get the warm and hot baths functioning by winter.  His people might think his insistence on bathing some personal quirk, but they did not understand how cleanliness could disrupt the spread of disease.

By the time Lenardo walked home, Cook had made Julia presentable, and he was beginning to think that he could face her.  Home was now a large and beautiful town house that had been looted but not burned - the only choice, Helmuth had insisted, for the Lord of the Land.  The place was still empty.  Lenardo refused to set carpenters to building him furniture when they were needed to repair other buildings before winter.

His footsteps rang on the mosaic floor in the huge entrance hall.  Eventually this might become an all-purpose audience room like Aradia's great hall.  By the gods, I'm starting to think like a lord.  The title still seemed implausible, and as her teacher, he had instructed Julia to call him Master Lenardo.

She was waiting in his room, which was furnished with a bed, two chairs, and a table, none of which matched.  Julia sat on the window ledge, looking out into the courtyard.  She did not turn at Lenardo's entrance, but he could feel her terrible tension as she tried to Read his mood.

"Julia," he said, "we must talk."

//Can't we -//

"No.  We will discuss this like nonReaders, because you have caused several nonReaders to be badly hurt."

"Nobody was hurt bad," Julia protested, turning to face him and pulling her knees up to her chin, balancing on the sill.  "Candida just got her arm broke.  It'll be all right in a couple of days.  When I got my arm broke, it took weeks to heal.  Old Drakonius, he never healed nobody.  You're lots nicer."

Ignoring her attempt to placate him, Lenardo said, "Candida's injury is the point, not that Sandor could heal her.  He could not have healed her if she had died.  Furthermore, Arkus and Josa were also hurt."


"They expended far more energy than they could afford.  Both have collapsed in exhaustion.  If I had not Read when Josa's heart went into spasms, Sandor might not have noticed soon enough.  She could have died."

"Everybody dies," Julia said coldly, but Lenardo Read that her words were a defense against a world in which ordinary people were considered dispensable.

"People should not die because those in power are careless," Lenardo began.

"Arkus'd be awful sad if Josa died," Julia interrupted.  "They're funny, you know?  She loves him and he loves her, and neither don't know it.  Isn't that funny?"

"No, it is not funny.  Neither is it your business.  How can I stop you from Reading people's private thoughts?"

"They're always thinking about each other.  How can I help knowing?"


Added: 08-Jul-2024
Last Updated: 16-Jul-2024


Berkley Books
Mass Market Paperback
In my libraryOrder from amazon.comHas a cover imageBook Edition Cover
Date Issued:
Cir 01-Feb-1984
Mass Market Paperback
Cover Price:
Internal ID:
United States

Lenardo, former teacher and master telepath, was now a reluctant warlord.  What was he doing in these hostile lands trying to teach the inhabitants not to kill him?

Although psionic powers were rampant among the Savages, prying telepaths were hated and feared.  Putting Lenardo on the throne was like putting a sheep in charge of the wolves.  Yet the beautiful witch-queen Aradia had chosen him to rule the lands of a conquered enemy.

Lenardo still owed allegiance to the Aventine Empire, seat of civilization, home of all telepaths.  Yet he'd sworn fealty to Aradia and was rewarded with a choice gift that would change history.  As blood and "magic" slowly transformed him into the Dragon Lord of the Savage Empire, Lenardo discovered that Aradia had some very special plans for him....

"Jean Lorrah is a rousing good storyteller!"
Author of the Deryni Series
Book CoverBook Back CoverBook Spine
Notes and Comments:
PBJ Books edition / December 1982
Berkley edition / February 1984
First printing assumed
Artist uncredited - copyright © 1982 by PBJ Books Inc., formerly PEI Books, Inc.



 Jean Lorrah
Birth: Cir 01 Nov 1940 Canton, Ohio, USA
From "ABOUT THE AUTHORS" in Flight to the Savage Empire:

JEAN LORRAH is the creator of the Savage Empire series, in which Flight to the Savage Empire is the fourth book.  The first three are Savage Empire, Dragon Lord of the Savage Empire, and Captives of the Savage Empire.  She is coauthor with Jacqueline Lichtenberg of First Channel and Channel's Destiny in Jacqueline's Sime/Gen series, and has written a solo novel in that series, Ambrov Keon.  She is also the author of the professional Star Trek novel The Vulcan Academy Murders, and coeditor with Lois Wickstrom of Pandora, a small-press sf magazine.

Jean has a Ph. D. in Medieval British Literature.  She is Professor of English at Murray State University in Kentucky.  Her first professional publications were non-fiction; her fiction was published in fanzines for years before her first professional novel was published in 1980.  She maintains a close relationship with sf fandom, appearing at conventions and engaging in as much fannish activity as time will allow.  On occasion, she has the opportunity to combine her two loves of teaching and writing by teaching creative writing.


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  • I try to maintain page numbers for audiobooks even though obviously there aren't any. I do this to keep track of pages read and I try to use the Kindle version page numbers for this.
  • Synopses marked with an asterisk (*) were generated by an AI. There aren't a lot since this is an iffy way to do it - AI seems to make stuff up.
  • When specific publication dates are unknown (ie prefixed with a "Cir"), I try to get the publication date that is closest to the specific printing that I can.
  • When listing chapters, I only list chapters relevant to the story. I will usually leave off Author Notes, Indices, Acknowledgements, etc unless they are relevant to the story or the book is non-fiction.
  • Page numbers on this site are for the end of the main story. I normally do not include appendices, extra material, and other miscellaneous stuff at the end of the book in the page count.

See my goodreads icon goodreads page. I almost never do reviews, but I use this site to catalogue books.
See my librarything icon librarything page. I use this site to catalogue books and it has more details on books than goodreads does.

Presented: 16-Sep-2024 01:50:28

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