See 231 - Mount Munch
2 - The Hawk
3 - Two Bad Ones
4 - Conspirators
5 - A Happy Corner of Oz
6 - Ozma's Birthday Presents
7 - The Forest of Gugu
8 - The LI-mon-eags Make Trouble
9 - The Isle of the Magic Flower
10 - Stuck Fast
11 - The Beasts of the Forest of Gugu
12 - Kiki Uses His Magic
13 - The Loss of the Black Bag
14 - The Wizard Learns the Magic Word
15 - The Lonesome Duck
16 - The Glass Cat Finds the Black Bag
17 - A Remarkable Journey
18 - The Magic of the Wizard
19 - Dorothy and the Bumble Bees
20 - The Monkeys Have Trouble
21 - The College of Athletic Arts
22 - Ozma's Birthday Party
23 - The Fountain of Oblivion