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Book Details

The Ringworld Throne

80% complete
Copyright © 1996 by Larry Niven
Science Fiction
Never (or unknown...)
Ringworld (Imaginary place) - Fiction
Science fiction
See 34
Prologue - The Map of Mount St. Helens
Part One - The Shadow Nest
1 - A War of Scents
2 - Recovery
3 - The Gathering Storm
4 - The People of the Night
5 - The Web Dweller
6 - Snowrunner's Pass
7 - Wayspirit
8 - For Not Being Warvia
9 - Familiar Faces
10 - Stair Street
11 - Guard Duty
12 - Weaning Vampires
13 - Sawur's Law
14 - Invasion
15 - Power
16 - Web of Spies
17 - The War Against the Dark
18 - Costs and Schedules
Part Two - "Dancing as Fast as I Can"
19 - The Knobby Man
20 - Bram's Tale
21 - Physics Lessons
22 - The Net
23 - The Running Lesson
24 - These Bones
25 - Default Option
26 - The Dockyard
27 - Lovecraft
28 - The Passage
29 - Collier
30 - King
31 - The Ringworld Throne
Book Cover
Has a genre Has an extract Has a year read In my library Want to read In a series 
#3 of 5
Ringworld*     See series as if on a bookshelf

2) The Ringworld Engineers
3) The Ringworld Throne

 Known Space
#11 of 17
Known Space     See series as if on a bookshelf
A series of science-fiction novels written in the same universe created by Larry Niven.

1) World of Ptavvs
6) Protector
7) The Ringworld Engineers
8) The Patchwork Girl
9) Crashlander
10) Flatlander
11) The Ringworld Throne
For Robert Heinlein
The Hindmost danced.
May contain spoilers
And the lid closed and he could rest.
No comments on file
Extract (may contain spoilers)
When shadow had nearly covered the sun, Vala found the Gleaners and Reds around a fire.  The Gleaners were eating; they offered to share.  The Reds had eaten their kills as they were made.

A fine rain began to sizzle on the coals.  The negotiators retreated into the tent: Valavirgillin, Chitakumishad, and Sopashintay for the Machine People, three of the Reds, the four Gleaners.  Anakrin hooki-Wanhurhur and the Thurl and a woman Vala didn't know were already inside.

Stale grass had been replaced with fresh.

The Thurl spoke, his powerful voice cutting through all conversation.  "Folk, meet my negotiator Waast, who has a tale to tell."

Waast stood gracefully for so large a woman.  "Paroom and I went to starboard two days ago, on foot," she said.  "Paroom returned with these Reds of Ginjerofer's folk.  I followed on foot with a guard of Red warriors, to speak to the Muddy River People.  The Muddy River People cannot join us here, but they may speak of our sorrows to the Night People."

"They'll have the same trouble we did," Coriack said.

(Something was tickling at Vala's attention.)

Waast sat.  To the Reds she said, "You cannot practice rishathra.  But mating?"

"It is not my time," Warvia said primly.  Anakrin and Chaychind were grinning.  Tegger seemed angry.

(The wind.)

Many hominid species were monogamous, exclusive of rishathra, of course.  Tegger and Warvia must be mates.  And the Thurl was saying, "I must wear my armor.  We know not what might visit us."

Too bad.  They might have gotten some entertainment going.


Spash asked uneasily, "Do you hear music?  That isn't vampire music."

The sound was still soft, but growing louder, almost painfully near the upper end of her hearing range.  Vala felt the hair stir on her neck and down her spine.  She was hearing a wind instrument, and strings, and a thuttering percussion instrument.  No voices.

The Thurl lowered his helm and stepped out.  A crossbow was in his hand, pointed at the sky.  Chit and Silack stayed at either side of the door, their weapons readied.  Others in the tent were arming themselves.

Tiny Silack walked backward into the tent.  The smell came with him.  Carrion and wet fur.

Two big hominid shapes followed, and then the much bigger Thurl.  "We have guests," he boomed.

In the tent it was almost totally dark.  Vala could make out the gleam of the Ghouls' eyes and teeth, and two black silhouettes against a scarcely brighter glow, Archlight seeping through clouds.  But her eyes were adjusting, picking out detail:

There were two, a man and a woman.  Hair covered them almost everywhere.  It was black and straight and slick with the rain.  Their mouths were overly wide grins showing big spade teeth.  They wore pouches on straps, and were otherwise naked.  Their big blunt hands were empty.  They were not eating.  Vala was terribly relieved, even as she resisted the impulse to shy back.

Likely enough, none but Valavirgillin had ever seen one of these.  Some were reacting badly.  Chit remained in the door, on guard, facing away.  Spash was on her feet, not cringing, but it seemed the limit of her self-control.  Silack of the Gleaners, Tegger, and Chaychind all cringed away with wide eyes and open mouths.

Valavirgillin - (Machine People) - Represents Farsight Trading
Foranayeedli - (Machine People) - Sabarokaresh's daughter
Sabarokaresh - (Machine People) - Kaywerbrimmis's crew
Kaywerbrimmis - (Machine People) - Valavirgillin's Wagonmaster
Anthrantillin - (Machine People) - Wagonmaster
Taratarafasht - (Machine People) - Anth's crew
Whandernothtee - (Machine People) - Wagonmaster
Chitakumishad - (Machine People) - Whandemothtee's crew
Sopashintay - (Machine People) - Whand's crew
Himapertharee - (Machine People) - Anthrantillin's crew
Tarablilliast - (Machine People) - Valavirgillin's mate
Paroom - (Grass Giant) - male sentry
Thurl - (Grass Giant) - alpha male
Moonwa - (Grass Giant) - Thurl's primary wife
Beedj - (Grass Giant) - Thurl's probable heir
Tarun - (Grass Giant) - male
Wemb - (Grass Giant) - female
Makee - (Grass Giant) - Wemb's son
Heerst - (Grass Giant) - male
Twuk - (Grass Giant) - small female Grass Giant
Perilack - (Gleaners) - female
Silack - (Gleaners) - beta male
Manack - (Gleaners) - alpha male
Coriack - (Gleaners) - female
Tegger hooki-Thandarthal - (Reds) - ambassador
Warvia hooki-Murf Thandarthal - (Reds) - ambassador
Anakrin hooki-Whanhurhur - (Reds) - messenger
Chaychind hooki-Karashk - (Reds) - messenger
Wurblychoog - (River People) - female
Borubble - (River People) - male
Rooballabl - (River People) - speaks trade language
Fudghabladl - (River People) - old one
Louis Wu - (Ball People)
The Hindmost - (Ball People) - The Web Dweller
Chmeee - (Ball People)
Parald - (Weaving People)
Strill - (Weaving People)
Sawur - (Weaving People)
Kidada - (Weaving People)
Shans Serpentstrangler - (Fishers)
Hishthare Rockdiver - (Fishers)
Wheek - (Sailors)
Kazarp - (Night People)
Tunesmith - (Night People)
Harpster - (Night People)
Grieving Tube - (Night People)
Acolyte - (Kzinti) - Chmeee's eldest son
Kathakt - (Kzinti) - Lord of the Map of Kzin
Saron - (Spill Mountain People) - older woman
Deb - (Spill Mountain People) - middle-aged woman
Skreepu - (Spill Mountain People) - bird/belongs to Deb
Harreed - (Spill Mountain People) - Deb's younger son
Barraye - (Spill Mountain People) - Deb's older son
Jennawil - (Spill Mountain People) - younger woman mated to Barraye
Cronus - (Protectors)
Bram - (Protectors)
Anne - (Protectors)
Lovecraft - (Protectors)
Collier - (Protectors)
King - (Protectors)


Added: 29-Dec-2002
Last Updated: 29-Oct-2024


Del Rey
Mass Market Paperback
In my libraryOrder from amazon.comHas a cover imageBook Edition Cover
Date Issued:
Cir 01-May-1997
Mass Market Paperback
Cover Price:
Internal ID:
United States
Barclay Shaw  - Cover Artist
Come back to the Ringworld... the most astonishing feat of engineering ever encountered.  A place of untold technological wonders, home to a myriad humanoid races, and world of some of the most beloved science-fiction stories ever written!

The human, Louis Wu; the puppeteer known as the Hindmost; Acolyte, son of the Kzin called Chmeee... legendary beings brought together once again in the defense of the Ringworld.  Something is going on with the Protectors.  Incoming spacecraft are being destroyed before they can reach the Ringworld.  Vampires are massing.  And the Ghouls have their own agenda - if anyone dares approach them to learn.

Each race on the Ringworld has always had its own Protector.  Now it looks as if the Ringworld itself needs a Protector.  But who will sit on the Ringworld Throne?

"Niven's work has been an intriguing and consistent universe, and this book is... the keystone of the arch....  [His] technique is wonderfully polished, his characters and their situations are nicely drawn... wraps up (maybe) a corner of a very interesting universe."
- San Diego Union-Tribune
Book CoverBook Back CoverBook Spine
Notes and Comments:
First Hardcover Edition: June 1996
First Mass Market Edition: May 1997
Canada: $8.99

Ringworld Parameters
Cast of Characters
Image File
Del Rey
Mass Market Paperback




No awards found
  • I try to maintain page numbers for audiobooks even though obviously there aren't any. I do this to keep track of pages read and I try to use the Kindle version page numbers for this.
  • Synopses marked with an asterisk (*) were generated by an AI. There aren't a lot since this is an iffy way to do it - AI seems to make stuff up.
  • When specific publication dates are unknown (ie prefixed with a "Cir"), I try to get the publication date that is closest to the specific printing that I can.
  • When listing chapters, I only list chapters relevant to the story. I will usually leave off Author Notes, Indices, Acknowledgements, etc unless they are relevant to the story or the book is non-fiction.
  • Page numbers on this site are for the end of the main story. I normally do not include appendices, extra material, and other miscellaneous stuff at the end of the book in the page count.

See my goodreads icon goodreads page. I almost never do reviews, but I use this site to catalogue books.
See my librarything icon librarything page. I use this site to catalogue books and it has more details on books than goodreads does.

Presented: 16-Feb-2025 05:53:16

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