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51EarthThe Thirteenth Colony
52EcchiEcchi is taken from the Japanese pronunciation of the letter "H".  This is the first letter in the word hentai.  Ecchi is "perverted" in Japanese but is not as strong as the word hentai describes.  Anime that is not pornographic but yet contains sexual humor is sometimes referred to as Ecchi.
53Fan ServiceFan service is the term given to scenes that have no relevance to story plot or character development.  These scenes are included for fans of the anime title only.
54FaneliaA small kingdom in Gaea of which Van is the king.  It was wiped out by Zaibach.
55FanficThis is a term used for "fan fiction".  This is written material by fans based on pre-existing anime.
56FansubThis is a term used to described anime that has been subtitled by a fan.  This was very popular when anime was not a prevelant as today and this was the only way that anime fans could get trnslations of it.
57Fire-BeeA Fire-bee is an attack helicopter.  They are one-man helicopters that are little more than suits that allow the user patrol by air.  Fire-bees are equipped with a cannon and, since they are so small, are highly maneuverable.
58FoleyA non-speaking sound effect including grunting, screaming, coughing, laughing, etc.
59FratelloItalian for brother.  This is the name given to the handler, cyborg assassin pairs in Section 2.  Jose and Henryetta are a fratello.
60FreidA kingdom in Gaea that possessed an artifact from Atlantis that Zaibach needs in it conquest.
61Future HumansFuture Humans are (of course) from the future.  They cannot travel any farthur back in time that three years prior to the story plot.  They've determined that Haruhi has something to do with this fact and so have sent an operative to observe her.
62GMPAA Rating: General Audiences (All Ages Admitted).
63GeminonOne of the Twelve Colonies
64GenuineA term used for people that are 100% Resemble.
65Ghomvak SecurityGhomvak Security is part of the Administration.  It oversees the law enforcement branch which includes bounty hunters.
66GigaThese are Dragoon emulations.  They have similar capabilities without the AI and are piloted by humans.
67GPMPAA Rating: General Patronage.  All Ages Admitted/Parental Guidance Suggested.  Replaced the M rating in 1970 and eventually replaced by the PG rating.
68Great WallThe physical effects seen when the Limit of Questions has been reached.
69HaibaneCharcoal Feather
70Haibane RenmeiCharcoal Feather Federation
71hanjyuuA half-beast that is both human and animal.  They can change between forms.
72HardsuitsThese are the Knight Sabers armored suits.  The first generation suits used a softsuit interface to translate the users movements into actions.  Later models of hardsuits do not require the softsuits.  Each hardsuit is tailored to the user and each has a variety of different armaments/defenses accordingly.
73HartzinenThis is Core Robot 1, the white robot.  It is the robot that Kazuki Yotsuga first saw in his visions of the parallel world.  The original pilot was Yayoi Schwael but she was injured and lost her ability to sync with the robot's life sympathy.  After Kazuki arrived in the parallel world, he became the robot's pilot.
74HentaiHentai refers to sexual deviancy.  In America this has become the word for pornographic anime.  Beware.
75HimikoHimiko is one of the original artifacts and is in control (or controlled by) of Rara.  An incomplete version was piloted by Mitsuki Rara which was defeated by Kazuki in Jinmu.  The completed mecha was piloted by Mitsuki Sanada (and Ayuko Rara behind the scenes).
76hinmanA youma that has the abilities to possess humans.  They have fighting skills which allow the humans they posses to become great fighters.
77HiraganaThe Japanese developed a writing system based on syllables in about the 9th century.  Hiragana and Katakana are two forms of writing (together known as kana).  Hiragana characters are more cursive or rounded than katakana.

Hiragana consist of 46 symbols.  Hiragana is used for grammatical endings of verbs, nouns, adjectives and several other original Japanese words which are not written in kanji.

Hiragana is the first of the alphabets taught to Japanese children.
78HonorificsThe Japanese language has several terms that are appended to names that denote status.  This is called keigo (敬語) which means "respectful language".

  • san: This is the most common honorific and denotes respect and formality.  This is similar to "Mr", "Mrs" or "Miss".
  • dono: This is used as a term of respect greter than "san".
  • sama: This denotes a great amount of respect for a person usually for those with a higher status such as teachers and lords.
  • kun: This shows familiarity or friendship with males of the same age or younger.  With younger or lower ranking women it is used in the workplace to refer to ones female employees.
  • chan: This shows familiarity and friendship and used to refer to someone who is the same age or younger (similar to kun).  This is used mostly for females, pets and children and  is only used for males when referring to a boyfriend.
  • ko: Indicates familiarity with a female friend, often used to refer to a girlfriend.
  • sensei: Used for teachers such as in school or in martial arts.
  • senpai: This is used often to address seniors (older people)
  • niichan: Big brother.
  • neechan: Big sister.
    79HuntersHunters are hover-tanks that are very fast.
    80In-betweenIn-betweens are animated frames between the key frames of animation.  It is usually not necessary for these to be of the same quality.  In-betweening is regarded as grunt work and is where inexperienced animators usually begin their careers.
    81Integrated Data EntityThis is an entity that was born from the accumulation of data throughout the universe.  This entity has aspects of itself on Earth to explore a huge outburst of data that occured about three years ago.  One of these aspects is named Yuki.
    82IrasshaiJapanese term for "welcome".
    83IrasshaimaseJapanese term for "welcome" but in a more polite way that just Irasshai.
    84JapanamationA term for Japanese Animation.  This term is usually frowned upon by fans of anime in the US but has become a term used in Japan to specify Japanese animation.  This is because the term anime means any type of animation in Japanese.
    85JinmuJinmu is one of the original artifacts that were unearthed with D.  This mecha is piloted by Kazuki and is his alternate self in the parallel world.  When the limiter for female pilots only is removed, Kazuki is able to use full control over it which manifests light hawk wings.
    86K.I.T.T.Stands for Knight Industries Two Thousand in the original series and Knight Industries Three Thousand in the second series.
    87kaikyakuThe name given to people that have been brought to the world of the Twelve Kingdoms in a shoku.
    88KanjiThe Kanji alphabet has it's origins in China and was later brought to Japan.  This alphabet is much more complex than hiragana and katakana (the other two Japanese alphabets).  Kanji symbols represent ideas or words in whole whereas the other alphabets are used to spell out these ideas or words.  Sometimes kana are used with the kanji to show pronunciation.  When this is done it is called furigana.
    89Karma, TheThe Karma was a transport ship used to transfer Zeiram.  Gren dies on this ship after his battle with the awakened Zeiram when he "self destructs" the ship.
    90KatakanaThe Japanese developed a writing system based on syllables in about the 9th century.  Hiragana and Katakana are two forms of writing (together known as kana).  Katakana characters are more angular than hiragana.

    Katakana consist of 46 symbols.  Katakana is mainly used for writing words borrowed from other languages and the names of persons and geographical places that can't be written in kanji.
    91KawaiiJapanese term for "cute" or "adorable".
    92KeigoRespectful language.  (See Honorifics)
    93kirinThe creature that chooses the ruler of each kingdom. They are bound to that ruler and if it dies, so will the ruler.  They also have a human form.
    94KLFKraft Light Fighter - The military version of an LFO.
    95Knight SabersThe Knight Sabers formed to eradicate rogue Boomers.  They were started by Sylia in 2037.  The first two women were both killed in action.  Sylia later recruited Priss Asagiri and then Nene Romanova.  Sylia then retired.  In 2040 Linna was recruited.
    96kokkiA black kirin.  These are very rare and legend has it that they are portents of good fortune.
    97KonbanhaJapanese term for "good evening".
    98KonnichiwaJapanese term for "hello" or "good day".
    99KoshienThe stadium in which the national high school baseball tournaments are held in Japan.
    100KreperThis vehicle is used by Iria and Gren and has the capability of space slight as well as atmospheric flight.  It is also known as as mini-com.

    Presented: 08-Feb-2025 04:36:05

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