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Louis L'Amour

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Tex Burns


If a man can find dry wood after three days of rain he's a man to ride the river with.
Folks are always talking about how busy a bee is, shows they never really watched a bee.  A bee makes so much fuss with all his perambulating around that folks think they're doing a sight of work, but believe me, I've watched bees by the hour and I can tell you all that buzzing is a big fraud.  The bees I've watched always buzzed in the sunniest places around the best-smelling flowers, just loafing their heads off lusting around in the play of sun and shadow at the swamp's edge.  Busy?  Not so's you could notice.
No... he doesn't understand.  Down here... a man is admired for daring to face another armed man with a pistol and for settling his quarrels bravely.  It isn't a killing that is admired, it is the courage to fight for what you believe.  You won't be admired as the man who killed Cullen Baker, you will be despised as someone who murdered a sleeping man.
No man knew better than he the tricks that Destiny plays on a man, or how often the right man dies at the wrong time and place. A man never wore a gun without inviting trouble, he never stepped into a street and began the gunman's walk without the full knowledge that he might be a shade too slow, that some small thing might disturb him just long enough!
There's more to being a woman than what happens with a man in bed, believe me.  You should learn that.  What you can give a man in bed he can get from any street woman, what he wants from a wife is that, but much more.  He wants tenderness, understanding, the feeling of working together for something.
Swante Taggart had never thought of himself as a brave man.  The very word made him restless and irritable when it came into a conversation, as if men could be divided into the brave and the cowardly, as if brave men were always brave and the cowards always cowardly.  It simply wasn't that way.  A man did what he had to do.
They judge a man out here by his honesty and his courage, and it's right they should.  Most ways a man can go in this country he goes into danger, so you want a man alongside you who has guts.  You don't want to start a wagon across the trails with a coward who'll quit the first time you run into trouble... he'll get you killed.

And if you're doing business out here, a man's word has to be good.  We don't have lawyers and courts to decide, and we don't have a lot of legal nonsense to go through.  If I buy cattle from a man and he tells me he's got ten thousand head, there'd better be ten thousand head... but there will be.  No need to count 'em.

That's why if a man is called a coward or a liar it's a shooting matter.  Nobody wants to associate or do business with either.  Man can't afford to let folks call him either one.

Louis L'Amour
Swante Taggart
Many a time when a girl gets herself involved with romance she is so busy being in love she doesn't realize what it can lead to.  They are all in a rosy sort of glow until suddenly they find out the man they love was great to be in love with, but hell to be married to.
We rode swiftly into the growing light, a tight bunch of armed horsemen, grimfaced and bitter with the loss of Aaron Stark and our cattle.  No longer were we simply hard-working, hard-riding men, no longer quiet men intent on our own affairs.  For riding after lawless men was not simply for revenge or recovery of property; it was necessary if there was to be law, and here there was no law except what right-thinking men made for them selves.
In the hills we like our coffee strong but this here would make bobwire grow ona man's chest in the place of hair.
There would be trouble enough, but a man is born to trouble, and it is best to meet it when it comes and not lose sleep until it does.
He fancied himself as a tough man and a gunfighter, but he didn't really want anybody shooting at him.  The trouble with having a reputation as a tough man is that the time always comes when you have to be a tough man.
Suddenly something had happened to me, and it happened to Orrin too.  The world had burst wide open, and where our narrow valleys had been, our hog-backed ridges, our huddled towns and villages, there was now a world without end or limit.  Where our world had been one of a few mountain valleys, it was now as wide as the earth itself, and wider, for where the land ended there was sky, and no end at all to that.
...this is a big country out here and it takes big men to live in it, but it gives every man an equal opportunity.  You're just as big or small as your vision is, and if you've a mind to work and make something of yourself, you can do it.
Sometimes I wonder if anything is ever ended.  The words a man speaks today live on in his thoughts or the memories of others, and the shot fired, the blow struck, the thing done today is like a stone tossed into a pool and the ripples keep widening out until they touch lives far from ours.
Politics ain't much different, Tyrel, than one of these iceburgs you hear tell of.  Most of what goes on is beneath the surface.  It doesn't make any difference how good a man is, or how good his ideas are, or even how honest he is unless he can put across a program, and that's politics.
Violence is an evil thing, but when the guns are all in the hands of the men without respect for human rights, then men are really in trouble.
If crooked gambling, thieving, and robbing are covered over, folks will tolerate it longer than outright violence, even when the violence may be cleansing.
Neither one of us had much trust in the peaceful qualities of our fellowmen.  Seems to me most of the folks doing all the talk about peace and giving the other fellow the benefit of the doubt were folks setting back to home in cushy chairs with plenty of grub around and the police nearby to protect them.  Back there, men would set down safe of an evening and write about how cruel the poor Indian was being treated out west.  They never come upon the body of a friend who had been staked out on an ant hill or had a fire built on his stomach, nor had they stood off a charge of Indians.
Gold is never a simple thing.  Many a man has wished he had gold, but once he his it he finds trouble.  Gold causes folks to lose their right thinking and their common sense.
A man who expects to sire children doesn't want to appear the fool in front of them.  We Sacketts believed young folk should respect their elders, but their elders had to deserve respsect.
People who live in comfortable, settled towns with law-abiding citizens and a government to protect them, they never think of the men who came first, the ones who went through hell to build something.
Odd thing, I'd never thought of my pa as a person.  I expect a child rarely does think of his parents that way.  They are a father and a mother, but a body rarely thinks of them as having hopes, dreams, ambitions and desires and loves.  Yet day by day pa was now becoming more real to me than he had ever been, and got I to wandering if he ever doubted himself like I did, if he ever felt short of what he wished to be, if he ever longed for things beyond him that he couldn't quite put into words.

Louis L'Amour
Orlando Sackett
It is wrong to believe that such men suffer in the conscience for what they do... it is only regret at being caught that troubles them.  And they never admit it was any fault of their own... it was always chance, bad luck....  The criminal does not regret his crime, he only regrets failure.

Louis L'Amour
Orlando Sackett
To have killed men is not a thing of which one can be proud.  A man uses a gun when necessary, and not too often, or carelessly.
When a man takes up guns in fighting, somebody is going to get hurt.  Somehow folks mostly think it will be somebody else, but we're all vulnerable, and nobody has a free ride.  With guns you pay to learn, only sometimes you learn too late.
As a general run, motives weren't hard to understand there on the frontier.  Things were pretty cut and dried, and a body knew where he stood with folks.  He knew what his problems were, and the problems of those about him were about the same.  A man was too busy trying to stay alive and make some gain, to have time to think much about himself or get his feelings hurt.

In a wide-open land like this where law was a local thing and no officer wanted to spread himself any further than his own district, a man could do just about what he was big enough to do, or that he was fast enough with a gun to do.  The only restraint there was on any man outside of the settled communities was his own moral outlook and the strength of the men with him.
A rustler, if caught in the act, was usually hung to the nearest tree.  Nobody had time to ride a hundred miles to a court house or to go back for the trial, and there were many officers who preferred it that way. runs in the blood of a man that he should care for womenfolk.  It's a need in him, deep as motherhood to a woman, and it's a thing folks are likely to forget.  A man with nobody to care for is as lonesome as a lost hound dog, and as useless.  If he's to feel of an to himself, he's got to feel he's needed, feel he stands between somebody and any trouble.


# Year Title Role Series
1 1939 Smoke From This Altar Writer 
2 1950 Westward the Tide Writer 
3 1951 The Rustlers of West Fork Writer Hopalong Cassidy (L'Amour) (1)
4 1951 The Riders of High Rock Writer 
5 1951 The Trail to Seven Pines Writer 
6 1952 Trouble Shooter Writer 
7 1953 Hondo Writer 
8 1953 Showdown at Yellow Butte Writer 
9 1954 Crossfire Trail Writer 
10 1954 Kilkenny Writer 
11 1954 Utah Blaine Writer 
12 1955 Guns of the Timberlands Writer 
13 1955 Heller with a Gun Writer 
14 1955 To Tame a Land Writer 
15 1956 Silver Canyon Writer 
16 1956 The Burning Hills Writer 
17 1957 Last Stand at Papago Wells Writer 
18 1957 Sitka Writer 
19 1957 The Tall Stranger Writer 
20 1958 Radigan Writer 
21 1959 The First Fast Draw Writer 
22 1959 Taggart Writer 
23 1960 The Daybreakers Writer The Sacketts (1)
24 1960 Flint Writer 
25 1961 Sackett Writer The Sacketts (2)
26 1962 Lando Writer The Sacketts (3)
27 1962 Shalako Writer 
28 1962 High Lonesome Writer 
29 1962 Killoe Writer 
30 1963 Fallon Writer 
31 1963 Catlow Writer 
32 1963 Dark Canyon Writer 
33 1963 How the West Was Won Writer 
34 1964 Mojave Crossing Writer The Sacketts (4)
35 1964 Hanging Woman Creek Writer 
36 1964 Kiowa Trail Writer 
37 1965 The Sackett Brand Writer The Sacketts (5)
38 1965 The Key-Lock Man Writer 
39 1965 The High Graders Writer 
40 1966 Mustang Man Writer The Sacketts (6)
41 1966 The Broken Gun Writer 
42 1966 Kid Rodelo Writer 
43 1966 Kilrone Writer 
44 1967 The Sky-Liners Writer The Sacketts (7)
45 1967 Matagorda Writer 
46 1968 Chancy Writer 
47 1968 Brionne Writer 
48 1968 Down the Long Hills Writer 
49 1969 The Lonely Men Writer The Sacketts (8)
50 1969 The Empty Land Writer 
51 1969 Conagher Writer 
52 1970 Galloway Writer The Sacketts (9)
53 1970 The Man Called Noon Writer 
54 1970 Reilly's Luck Writer 
55 1971 Under the Sweetwater Rim Writer 
56 1971 North to the Rails Writer Talon and Chantry (1)
57 1971 Tucker Writer 
58 1972 Ride the Dark Trail Writer The Sacketts (10)
59 1972 Treasure Mountain Writer The Sacketts (11)
60 1972 Callaghen Writer 
61 1973 The Ferguson Rifle Writer Talon and Chantry (2)
62 1973 The Quick and the Dead Writer 
63 1973 The Man from Skibbereen Writer 
64 1974 Sackett's Land Writer The Sacketts (12)
65 1974 The Californios Writer 
66 1975 War Party Writer The Sacketts (13)
67 1975 Over on the Dry Side Writer Talon and Chantry (3)
68 1975 The Man from the Broken Hills Writer Talon and Chantry (5)
69 1975 Rivers West Writer Talon and Chantry (4)
70 1976 To the Far Blue Mountain Writer The Sacketts (14)
71 1976 The Rider of Lost Creek Writer 
72 1976 Where the Long Grass Blows Writer 
73 1977 Borden Chantry Writer Talon and Chantry (6)
74 1978 The Mountain Valley War Writer Kilkenny (2)
75 1978 Fair Blows the Wind Writer Talon and Chantry (7)
76 1979 The Iron Marshal Writer 
77 1979 The Proving Trail Writer 
78 1979 Bendigo Shafter Writer 
79 1980 Lonely on the Mountain Writer The Sacketts (15)
80 1980 The Strong Shall Live Writer 
81 1980 Yondering Writer 
82 1981 Buckskin Run Writer 
83 1981 Comstock Lode Writer 
84 1981 Milo Talon Writer Talon and Chantry (8)
85 1982 The Cherokee Trail Writer 
86 1982 The Shadow Riders Writer 
87 1983 Ride the River Writer The Sacketts (16)
88 1983 Bowdrie Writer 
89 1983 The Hills of Homicide Writer 
90 1983 Law of the Desert Born Writer 
91 1983 The Lonesome Gods Writer 
92 1984 The Warrior's Path Writer The Sacketts (17)
93 1984 The Walking Drum Writer 
94 1984 Son of a Wanted Man Writer 
95 1984 Bowdrie's Law Writer 
96 1985 Jubal Sackett Writer The Sacketts (18)
97 1985 Passin' Through Writer 
98 1986 Dutchman's Flat Writer 
99 1986 Last of the Breed Writer 
100 1986 Riding for the Brand Writer 
101 1986 The Rider of the Ruby Hills Writer 
102 1986 Night Over the Solomons Writer 
103 1986 The Trail to Crazy Man Writer 
104 1986 A Trail to the West Audio Writer 
105 1986 West of Pilot Range Writer 
106 1987 West from Singapore Writer 
107 1987 The Haunted Mesa Writer 
108 1988 Lonigan Writer 
109 1989 Long Ride Home Writer 
110 1990 The Outlaws of the Mequite Writer 
111 1995 Valley of the Sun Writer 
112 1996 West of Dodge Writer 
113 1997 End of the Drive Writer The Sacketts (19)
114 1998 Monument Rock Writer 
115 1999 Beyond the Great Snow Mountains Writer 
116 2000 Off the Mangrove Coast Writer 
117 2001 May There Be a Road Writer 
118 2002 With These Hands Writer 
119 2003 From the Listening Hills Writer 
120 2003 The Frontier Stories Writer Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour (1)
121 2004 The Frontier Stories Writer Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour (2)
122 2005 The Frontier Stories Writer Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour (3)
123 2005 The Adventure Stories Writer Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour (4)
124 2007 The Frontier Stories Writer Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour (5)
125 2008 The Crime Stories Writer Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour (6)
126 2009 The Frontier Stories Writer Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour (7)

Presented: 08-Feb-2025 04:40:54

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