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Book Details


71.4% complete
Copyright © 1962 by Bantam Books, Inc.
1 time
Americans - Mexico - Fiction
Gold mines and mining - Fiction
Mexico - Fiction
Prisoners - Fiction
Revenge - Fiction
Sackett family (Fictitious characters) - Fiction
Western stories
9 chapters
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miner, bronc-rider, friend
We Sacketts were a mountain folk who ran long on boy children and gun shooting, but not many of us were traveled men.
May contain spoilers
Somebody likely to have no more sense than to falling love with a Tennessee boy with nothing but his two hands and a racing mule.
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Extract (may contain spoilers)
We were six months out of the piney woods of Tennessee when we walked into San Augustine, Texas.  It was an old, old town.

Seemed like we'd never left home, for there were pines growing over the red clay hills, and everywhere we looked there were Cherokee roses.

We camped among the trees on the outskirts, and the Tinker set to work repairing a broken pistol I had taken in trade.  An old man stopped by to watch.  "Shy of gunsmiths hereabouts," he said.  "A man ould make a living."

"The Tinker can fix anything.  Even clocks and suchlike."

"Old clock up at the Blount House - a fine piece.  Ain't worked in some time."

The Tinker filled a cup and passed it across the fire to him, and the old man hunkered down to talk.  "Town settled by Spanish men back around 1717.  Built themselves a mission, they did, and then fifty, sixty years later when it seemed the Frenchies were going to move in, they built a fort.

"Been a likely place ever since.  The Blount and Cartwright homes are every bit of thirty year old, and up until the War Between the States broke out we had us a going university right here in town."

He was sizing us up, making up his mind about us, and after a while he said, "if I was you boys I'd keep myself a fancy lookout.  You're being sought after."

"Three tall men who look alike?"

"Uh-huh.  Rode through town yestiddy.  Right handy men, I'd say, come a difficulty."

"They're his uncles," the Tinker explained, "and they're all laid out to kill him."

"No worse fights than kinfolk's."  The old man finished his coffee and stood up.  "Notional man, m'self.  Take to folks or I don't.  You bays take care of yourselves."

The Tinker glanced over at me.  "You wearing that gun?"

Pulling my coat back, I showed it to him, shoved down inside my pants behind my belt.  "I ain't much on the shoot," I said, "but come trouble I'll have at it."

Bill Longley
Bob Lee
Cosmo Lengro "The Tinker"
Cullen Baker
Franklin Deckrow
Jonas Locklear
Lily Anne Deckrow
Virginia Locklear
Orlando Sackett - (Sackett Family)


Added: 19-Jun-2022
Last Updated: 16-Jan-2025


Odd thing, I'd never thought of my pa as a person.  I expect a child rarely does think of his parents that way.  They are a father and a mother, but a body rarely thinks of them as having hopes, dreams, ambitions and desires and loves.  Yet day by day pa was now becoming more real to me than he had ever been, and got I to wandering if he ever doubted himself like I did, if he ever felt short of what he wished to be, if he ever longed for things beyond him that he couldn't quite put into words.

Louis L'Amour
Orlando Sackett
It is wrong to believe that such men suffer in the conscience for what they do... it is only regret at being caught that troubles them.  And they never admit it was any fault of their own... it was always chance, bad luck....  The criminal does not regret his crime, he only regrets failure.

Louis L'Amour
Orlando Sackett


Bantam Books
Mass Market Paperback
In my libraryOrder from amazon.comHas a cover imageBook Edition Cover
Date Issued:
Cir 01-Jul-1971
Mass Market Paperback
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Internal ID:
United States
Louis S Glanzman  - Cover Artist
Sackett got to Texas with a well-oiled hogleg, a racing mule that didn't look worth its salt and a damn good idea of the whereabouts of buried gold across the border in Mexico.  In Mexico he had had luck.  His party had to run for it, and when Lando stood rear guard they pulled out and left him.  Six years in a Mexican prison put muscles in his arms, fire in his heart and pure recklessness in his head.  When he caught up with the men who betrayed him, it made no difference that he didn't have a gun.



They are the unforgettable pioneer family created by master storyteller Louis L'Amour to bring to vivid life the spirit and adventure of the American frontier.  The Sacketts, men and women who challenged the untamed wilderness with their dreams and their courage.  From generation to generation they pushed ever westward with a restless, wandering urge, a kinship with the free, wild places and a fierce independence.  The Sacketts always stood tall and, true to their strong family pride, they would unite to take on any and all challenges, no matter how overwhelming the odds.  Each Sackett novel is a complete, exciting historical adv.enture, and read as a group, Louis L'Amour's The Sacketts form an epic story of the building of our mighty nation, a saga cherished by millions of readers around the world for more than a quarter century.
Book CoverBook Back CoverBook Spine
Notes and Comments:
A Bantam Book / December 1962
New Bantam edition / July 1971
Fourty-first printing based on the number line
Canada: $4.99
Bantam Books
Mass Market Paperback
In my libraryI read this editionOrder from amazon.comHas a cover imageBook Edition Cover
Date Issued:
Cir 01-Jan-1981
Mass Market Paperback
Cover Price:
1)   17 Nov 2024 - 23 Nov 2024
Cover Link(s):
Internal ID:
United States
John Hamilton - Photographer
Lando Sackett got to Texas with a well-oiled hogleg, a racing mule that didn't look worth its salt and a damn good idea of the whereabouts of buried gold across the border in Mexico.

In Mexico he had bad luck.  His party had to run for it, and when Lando stood rearguard they pulled out and left him.

Six years in a Mexican prison put muscles in his arms, fire in his heart and pure recklessness in his head.  When he caught up with the men who betrayed him it didn't matter that he had no gun!

One of the 14 books in the magnificent Sacket series

Our foremost storyteller of the authentic West, L'Amour has thrilled a nation by bringing to vivid life the brave men and women who settled the American frontier.  There are now over 120 million of his books in print around the world.
Book CoverBook Back CoverBook Spine
Notes and Comments:
A Bantam Book / December 1962
2nd printing ... May 1963
3rd printing ... June 1967
4th printing ... February 1969
5th printing ... March 1969
6th printing ... November 1969
7th printing ... March 1970
8th printing ... October 1970

New Bantam edition / July 1971
2nd printing ... September 1971
3rd printing ... February 1972
4th printing ... August 1972
5th printing ... July 1973
6th printing ... August 1974
7th printing ... November 1975
8th printing ... February 1976
9th printing ... June 1977
10th printing ... September 1977
11th printing ... June 1978
12th printing ... January 1979
13th printing ... January 1979
14th printing ... July 1979
15th printing ... March 1980
16th printing ... June 1980
17th printing ... January 1981
Nineteenth printing based on the number line
Image File
Bantam Books
Mass Market Paperback

Image File
Bantam Books
Mass Market Paperback




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  • I try to maintain page numbers for audiobooks even though obviously there aren't any. I do this to keep track of pages read and I try to use the Kindle version page numbers for this.
  • Synopses marked with an asterisk (*) were generated by an AI. There aren't a lot since this is an iffy way to do it - AI seems to make stuff up.
  • When specific publication dates are unknown (ie prefixed with a "Cir"), I try to get the publication date that is closest to the specific printing that I can.
  • When listing chapters, I only list chapters relevant to the story. I will usually leave off Author Notes, Indices, Acknowledgements, etc unless they are relevant to the story or the book is non-fiction.
  • Page numbers on this site are for the end of the main story. I normally do not include appendices, extra material, and other miscellaneous stuff at the end of the book in the page count.

See my goodreads icon goodreads page. I almost never do reviews, but I use this site to catalogue books.
See my librarything icon librarything page. I use this site to catalogue books and it has more details on books than goodreads does.

Presented: 16-Feb-2025 07:48:59

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