Martian Successor Nadesico (機動戦艦ナデシコ Kido Senkan Nadeshiko, 1996) is a science fiction comedy anime TV series, and a subsequent manga series by Kia Asamiya. The series takes place in the year 2196.
The manga, published in English by CPM Manga, is significantly different from the anime.
When Earth's colonies on Mars are suddenly attacked by alien invaders referred to as the Jovian Lizards, civilian contractor Nergal decides to come to the Earth's aid by constructing powerful space battleships, the first of which is known as the ND-001 Nadesico. A crew is selected from among the top civilian experts in each field, however, these individuals tend to have "some slight personality disorders".
The main character, Akito Tenkawa, is a man with a mysterious past; once a resident of Mars' Utopia colony, Tenkawa somehow escaped its destruction by the Jovian Lizards and arrived on Earth, with no memory of how he got there but a terrible fear of the invaders. He hates fighting and only wants to be a cook, however, he is constantly called on to act as a pilot of one of the Nadesico's Aestevalis - humanoid combat robots. While on board the Nadesico, Akito has more problems to deal with than just the Jovians; pretty much all the female members of the crew seem to be head over heels in love with Akito, but all he wants to do is cook and watch his favorite anime, Gekigangar III (a play within a play).
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