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Episode Details

The Truth Behind Truths
Season 1 Episode 19
Episode 19 of 51
With Marcoh's book restored, Ed and Al come to realize why the quest for the Philosopher's Stone has caused so many to abandond their quest or go mad.  One of the ingredients is human lives - many of them.  Ed is on the brink of depair when on of their new guards, Lt Ross, talks him into keeping hope that there may be more information out there.  That perhaps Marcoh's books was in error somehow.  With his new hope, they begin looking for places that the Philosopher's Stone may have been developed in Central City.  They find an old laboratory across from a prison that hold promise so they decide to investigate.  Ed and Al's guards pesuade them to stay behind while they investigate.  As usual, though, Ed and Al take off on their own investigation.  Once there, Ed must go on along since Al is too big to fit though the opening into the lab.  Inside, two armored guards take off for some fun with the boys.
Mike McFarland - Director
Jared Hedges - Writer

Seiji Mizushima - Director
Bill Jenkins as Number 48
Duncan Brannan as Additional Voices
Ricky Page as Additional Voices
Wendy Powell as Envy
Caitlin Glass as Winry Rockbell
Gwendolyn Lau as Sciezka
Meredith McCoy as Lt Maria Ross
Jim Foronda as Sgt Denny Bloch
Sonny Strait as Lt Col Maes Hughes
Christopher R Sabat as Maj Alex Louis Armstrong
Jerry Jewell as Number 66
Added: 16-Oct-2006     Last Update: 27-Oct-2006

Presented: 29-Jun-2024 10:40:08

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