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Book Details


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Part 1 - Happenstance
1 - Reflections in a Double Bourbon
2 - Living It Up
3 - The Man With Agoraphobia
4 - Over the Barrel
5 - Night Duty
6 - Talk of Gold
7 - Thoughts in a D.B.III
Part 2 - Coincidence
8 - All to Play For
9 - The Cup and the Lip
10 - Up at the Grange
11 - The Odd-job Man
12 - Long Tail on a Ghost
13 - 'If You Touch Me There...'
14 - Things That Go Thump in the Night
Part 3 - Enemy Action
15 - The Pressure Room
16 - The Last and the Biggest
17 - Hoods' Congress
18 - Crime De La Crime
19 - Secret Appendix
20 - Journey Into Holocaust
21 - The Richest Man in History
22 - The Last Trick
23 - T.L.C. Treatment
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 James Bond*
#7 of 14
James Bond*   See series as if on a bookshelf
A series a spy thrillers written by Ian Fleming in the mid-20th Century that went on to become a somewhat successful movie franchise.

1) Casino Royale
2) Live and Let Die
3) Moonraker
4) Diamonds Are Forever
5) From Russia, with Love
6) Doctor No
7) Goldfinger
8) For Your Eyes Only
9) Thunderball
10) The Spy Who Loved Me
11) On Her Majesty's Secret Service
12) You Only Live Twice
13) The Man with the Golden Gun
14) Octopussy and The Living Daylights
To My Gentle Reader William Plomer
James Bond, with two double bourbons inside him, sat in the final departure lounge of Miami Airport and thought about life and death.
May contain spoilers
His mouth came ruthlessly down on hers.
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Extract (may contain spoilers)
Goldfinger had already teed up. Bond walked slowly behind him, followed by Hawker. Bond stood and leant on his driver. He said, 'I thought you said we would be playing the strict rules of golf. But I'll give you that putt. That makes you one up.'

Goldfinger nodded curtly. He went through his practice routine and hit his usual excellent, safe drive.

The second hole is a three hundred and seventy yard dog–leg to the left with deep cross–bunkers daring you to take the tiger's line. But there was a light helping breeze. For Goldfinger it would now be a five iron for his second. Bond decided to try and make it easier for himself and only have a wedge for the green. He laid his ears back and hit the ball hard and straight for the bunkers. The breeze got under the slight draw and winged the ball on and over. The ball pitched and disappeared down into the gully just short of the green. A four. Chance of a three.

Goldfinger strode off without comment. Bond lengthened his stride and caught up. 'How's the agoraphobia? Doesn't all this wide open space bother it?'


Goldfinger deviated to the right. He glanced at the distant, half–hidden flag, planning his second shot. He took his five iron and hit a good, careful shot which took a bad kick short of the green and ran down into the thick grass to the left. Bond knew that territory. Goldfinger would be lucky to get down in two.

Bond walked up to his ball, took the wedge and flicked the ball on to the green with plenty of stop. The ball pulled up and lay a yard past the hole. Goldfinger executed a creditable pitch but missed the twelve-foot putt. Bond had two for the hole from a yard. He didn't wait to be given the hole but walked up and putted. The ball stopped an inch short. Goldfinger walked off the green. Bond knocked the ball in. All square.


Added: 19-May-2017
Last Updated: 19-Nov-2019


ePub Books
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Date Issued:
Cir 01-Jan-2015
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United States

Goldfinger, the man who loved gold, said, ‘Mr Bond, it was a most evil day for you when you first crossed my path. If you had then found an oracle to consult, the oracle would have said to you, "Mr Bond, keep away from Mr Auric Goldfinger. He is a most powerful man. If Mr Goldfinger wished to crush you, he would only have to turn over in his sleep to do so."' With the lazy precision of Fate, this, Ian Fleming’s longest narrative of secret service adventure, brings James Bond to grips with the most powerful criminal the world has ever known–Goldfinger, the man who had planned the ‘Crime de la Crime’. Le Chiffre, Mr Big, Sir Hugo Drax, Jack Spang, Rosa Klebb, Doctor No–and now, the seventh adversary, a Goliath of crime - GOLDFINGER!
Book Cover
Notes and Comments:



 Ian Fleming
Birth: 28 May 1908 Mayfair, London, England, UK
Death: 12 Aug 1964 Canterbury, Kent, England, UK

From the e-Book of Octopussy and the Living Daylights:

IAN FLEMING was born in London on May 28, 1908. He was educated at Eton College and later spent a formative period studying languages in Europe. His first job was with Reuters News Agency where a Moscow posting gave him firsthand experience with what would become his literary bête noire—the Soviet Union. During World War II he served as Assistant to the Director of Naval Intelligence and played a key role in Allied espionage operations.

After the war he worked as foreign manager of the Sunday Times, a job that allowed him to spend two months each year in Jamaica. Here, in 1952, at his home “Goldeneye,” he wrote a book called Casino Royale—and James Bond was born. The first print run sold out within a month. For the next twelve years Fleming produced a novel a year featuring Special Agent 007, the most famous spy of the century. His travels, interests, and wartime experience lent authority to everything he wrote. Raymond Chandler described him as “the most forceful and driving writer of thrillers in England.” Sales soared when President Kennedy named the fifth title, From Russia With Love, one of his favorite books. The Bond novels have sold more than one hundred million copies worldwide, boosted by the hugely successful film franchise that began in 1962 with the release of Dr No.

He married Anne Rothermere in 1952. His story about a magical car, written in 1961 for their only son, Caspar, went on to become the well-loved novel and film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Fleming died of heart failure on August 12, 1964, at the age of fifty-six.


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  • I try to maintain page numbers for audiobooks even though obviously there aren't any. I do this to keep track of pages read and I try to use the Kindle version page numbers for this.
  • Synopses marked with an asterisk (*) were generated by an AI. There aren't a lot since this is an iffy way to do it - AI seems to make stuff up.
  • When specific publication dates are unknown (ie prefixed with a "Cir"), I try to get the publication date that is closest to the specific printing that I can.
  • When listing chapters, I only list chapters relevant to the story. I will usually leave off Author Notes, Indices, Acknowledgements, etc unless they are relevant to the story or the book is non-fiction.
  • Page numbers on this site are for the end of the main story. I normally do not include appendices, extra material, and other miscellaneous stuff at the end of the book in the page count.

See my goodreads icon goodreads page. I almost never do reviews, but I use this site to catalogue books.
See my librarything icon librarything page. I use this site to catalogue books and it has more details on books than goodreads does.

Presented: 26-Jul-2024 06:25:46

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