See 241 - 'Take it Easy, Mr. Bond'
2 - Shrublands
3 - The Rack
4 - Tea and Animosity
5 - S.P.E.C.T.R.E.
6 - Violet-Scented Breath
7 - 'Fasten Your Lap-Strap'
8 - 'Big Fleas Have Little Fleas...'
9 - Multiple Requiem
10 - The Disco Volante
11 - Domino
12 - The Man from the C.I.A.
13 - 'My Name Is Emilio Largo'
14 - Sour Martinis
15 - Cardboard Hero
16 - Swimming the Gantlet
17 - The Red-Eye Catacomb
18 - How to Eat a Girl
19 - When the Kissing Stopped
20 - Time for Decision
21 - Very Softly, Very Slowly
22 - The Shadower
23 - Naked Warfare
24 - 'Take It Easy, Mr. Bond'