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Book Details

The Bear and the Dragon

71.4% complete
Copyright © 2000 by Rubicon, Inc.
Adventure; Espionage; Mystery; Thriller
Never (or unknown...)
Adventure fiction
Adventure stories
International relations - Fiction
Political fiction
Presidents - United States - Fiction
Ryan, Jack (Fictitious character) - Fiction
Suspense fiction
World politics - Fiction
See 62
Prologue - The White Mercedes
1 - Echoes of the Boom
2 - The Dead Goddess
3 - The Problems with Riches
4 - Knob Rattling
5 - Headlines
6 - Expansion
7 - Developing Leads
8 - Underlings and Underthings
9 - Initial Results
10 - Lessons of the Trade
11 - Faith of the Fathers
12 - Comflicts of the Pocket
13 - Penetration Agent
14 - dot(com)
15 - Exploitation
16 - The Smelting of Gold
17 - The Coinage of Gold
18 - Evolutions
19 - Manhunting
20 - Diplomacy
21 - Simmering
22 - The Table and the Recipe
23 - Down to Business
24 - Infanticide
25 - Fence Rending
26 - Glass Houses and Rocks
27 - Transportation
28 - Collision Courses
29 - Billy Budd
30 - And the Rights of Men
31 - The Protection of Rights
32 - Coalition Collision
33 - Square One
34 - Hits
35 - Breaking News
36 - Sorge Reports
37 - Fallout
38 - Developments
39 - The Other Question
40 - Fashion Statements
41 - Plots of State
42 - Birch Trees
43 - Decisions
44 - The Shape of a New World Order
45 - Ghosts of Horrors Past
46 - Journey Home
47 - Outlooks and All-Nighters
48 - Opening Guns
49 - Disarming
50 - Thunder and Lightning
51 - Falling Back
52 - Deep Battle
53 - Deep Concerns
54 - Probes and Pushes
55 - Looks and Hurts
56 - March to Danger
57 - Hyperwar
58 - Political Fallout
59 - Loss of Control
60 - Skyrockets in Flight
61 - Revolution
Book Cover
Has a genre Has an extract In my library In a series 
 Jack Ryan World*
#10 of 17
Jack Ryan World*     See series as if on a bookshelf
A series of novels written by Tom Clancy featuring the character Jack Ryan or taking place in the same fictional world.  I've only included books written by Tom Clancy in this list (even if he collaborated).

1) The Hunt for Red October
2) Patriot Games
3) Cardinal of the Kremlin
4) Clear and Present Danger
5) The Sum of All Fears
6) Without Remorse
7) Debt of Honor
8) Executive Orders
9) Rainbow Six
10) The Bear and the Dragon
11) Red Rabbit
12) The Teeth of the Tiger
13) Dead or Alive
14) Locked On
15) Threat Vector
16) Command Authority

 Jack Ryan Extended
#10 of 43
Jack Ryan Extended     See series as if on a bookshelf
A series of novels written featuring the character Jack Ryan created by Tom Clancy or taking place in the same fictional world.  I've only included books written by other authors and not by Tom Clancy in this list.

1) The Hunt for Red October
2) Patriot Games
3) Cardinal of the Kremlin
4) Clear and Present Danger
5) The Sum of All Fears
6) Without Remorse
7) Debt of Honor
8) Executive Orders
9) Rainbow Six
10) The Bear and the Dragon
11) Red Rabbit
12) The Teeth of the Tiger
13) Dead or Alive
14) Locked On
16) Threat Vector
17) Command Authority
19) Full Force and Effect
Going to work was the same everywhere, and the changeover from Marxism-Leninism to Chaos-Capitalism hadn't changed matters much - well, maybe things were now a little worse.
May contain spoilers
Ming went out to dinner - the restaurants hadn't closed - with her foreign lover, gushing over drinks and noodles with the extraordinary events of the day, then walked off to his apartment for a dessert of Japanese sausage.
No comments on file
Extract (may contain spoilers)
Moscow is eight hours ahead of Washington, a source of annoyance to diplomats who are either a day behind the times or too far out of synch with their body clocks to conduct business properly.  This was more a problem for the Russians, as by five or six in the evening, most of them had had a few stiff drinks, and given the relative speed of all diplomatic exchange, it was well into the falling night in Moscow before American diplomats emerged from their "working lunches" to issue a démarche or communiqué, or a simple letter of reply to whatever the Russians had issued the previous working day.  In both capitals, of course, there was always a night crew to read and evaluate things on a more timely basis, but these were underlings, or at best people on their way up but not quite there yet, who always had to judge which possibility was worse: waking up a boss with something unworthy of the nighttime phone call, or delaying until the post-breakfast morning something that the minister or secretary ought to have been informed of right now!  And more than one career had been made or broken on such seeming trivialities.

In this particular case, it would not be a diplomat's hide at risk.  It was six-fifteen on the Russian spring evening, the sun high in the sky still, in anticipation of the "White Nights" for which the Russian summer is justly famous.

"Yes, Pasha?"  Lieutenant Provalov said.  He'd taken over Klusov from Shablikov.  This case was too important to leave in anyone else's hands - and besides, he'd never really trusted Shablikov:  There was something a little too corrupt about him.

Pavel Petrovich Klusov was not exactly an advertisement for the quality of life in the new Russia.  Hardly one hundred sixty-five centimeters or so in height, but close to ninety kilos, he was a man the bulk of whose calories came in liquid form, who shaved poorly when he bothered at all, and whose association with soap was less intimate than it ought to have been.  His teeth were crooked and yellow from the lack of brushing and a surfeit of smoking cheap, unfiltered domestic cigarettes.  He was thirty-five or so, and had perhaps a fifty-fifty chance of making forty-five, Provalov estimated.  It was not as though he'd be much of a loss to society, of course.  Klusov was a petty thief, lacking even the talent - or courage - to be a major violator of the law.  But he knew those who were, and evidently scampered around them like a small dog, performing minor services, like fetching a bottle of vodka, the Militia lieutenant thought.  But Klusov did have ears, which many people, especially criminals, had an odd inability to consider.
"Avseyenko was killed by two men from St. Petersburg.  I do not know their names, but I think they were hired by Klementi Ivan'ch Suvorov.  The killers are former Spetsnaz soldiers with experience in Afghanistan, in their late thirties, I think.  One is blond, the other red-haired.  After killing Grisha, they flew back north before noon on an Aeroflot flight."

"That is good, Pasha.  Have you seen their faces?"

A shake of the head: "No, Comrade Lieutenant.  I learned this from... someone I know, in a drinking place."  Klusov lit a new ciga-rette with the end of its predecessor.

"Did your acquaintance say why our friend Suvorov had Avseyenko killed?"  And who the hell is Klementi Ivan'ch Suvorov? the policeman wondered.  He hadn't heard that name before, but didn't want Klusov to know that quite yet.  Better to appear omniscient.

The informant shrugged.  "Both were KGB, maybe there was bad blood between them."

"What exactly is Suvorov doing now?"

Another shrug: "I don't know.  Nobody does.  I am told he lives well, but the source of his income, no one knows."

"Cocaine?" the cop asked.


Added: 24-Dec-2022
Last Updated: 01-Jul-2024


G P Putnam's Sons
In my libraryOrder from amazon.comHas a cover imageBook Edition Cover
Date Issued:
Cir 01-Jan-2000
Cover Price:
Cover Link(s):
Internal ID:
United States
John Earle - Photographer
Deborah Kerner - Book Design
Lawrence Ratzkin - Jacket Design
Front flap:

The Bear and

Tom Clancy

President Jack Ryan faces a world crisis unlike any he has ever known, in Tom Clancy's extraordinary new novel.

Time and again, Tom Clancy's novels have been praised, not only for their big-scale drama and propulsive narrative drive, but for their cutting-edge prescience in predicting future events.

In The Bear and the Dragon, the future is very near at hand indeed.

Newly elected in his own right, Jack Ryan has found that being President has gotten no easier: domestic pitfalls await him at every turn; the Asian economy is going down the tubes; and now, in Moscow, someone may have tried to take out the chairman of the SVR - the former KGB - with a rocket-propelled grenade.  Things are unstable enough in Russia without high-level assassination, but even more disturbing may be the identities of the potential assassins.  Were they political enemies, the Russian Mafia, disaffected former KGB?  Or, Ryan wonders, is something far more dangerous at work here?

Ryan is right to wonder.  For even while Russian investigators pursue the case, and some of his most trusted eyes and ears, including antiterrorism specialist John Clark, head
(Continued on back flap)

Back flap:

(Continued from front flap)

to Moscow, forces in China are moving forward with a plan of truly audacious proportions.  Tired of what they view as the presumption of the West, eager to fulfill their destiny, they are taking matters into their own hands.  If they succeed, the world as we know it will never look the same.  If they fail... the consequences may be unspeakable.

Blending the exceptional realism and authenticity that are his hallmarks with intricate plotting, razor-sharp suspense, and a remarkable cast of characters, this is Clancy at his best - and there is none better.

Tom Clancy is the author of The Hunt for Red October, Red Storm Rising, Patriot Games, The Cardinal of the Kremlin, Clear and Present Danger, The Sum of All Fears, Without Remorse, Debt of Honor, Executive Orders, and Rainbow Six.  He is also the author of the nonfiction books Into the Storm, with General Fred Franks, Jr. (Ret.), and Every Man a Tiger, with General Chuck Horner (Ret.); and Submarine, Armored Cav, Fighter Wing, Marine, Airborne, and Carrier; and is a co-creator of the Op-Center, Power Plays, and Net Force series.  He lives in Maryland.
Book CoverBook Back CoverBook Spine
Notes and Comments:
First printing based on the number line
Canada: $39.99
Image File
G P Putnam's Sons




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  • I try to maintain page numbers for audiobooks even though obviously there aren't any. I do this to keep track of pages read and I try to use the Kindle version page numbers for this.
  • Synopses marked with an asterisk (*) were generated by an AI. There aren't a lot since this is an iffy way to do it - AI seems to make stuff up.
  • When specific publication dates are unknown (ie prefixed with a "Cir"), I try to get the publication date that is closest to the specific printing that I can.
  • When listing chapters, I only list chapters relevant to the story. I will usually leave off Author Notes, Indices, Acknowledgements, etc unless they are relevant to the story or the book is non-fiction.
  • Page numbers on this site are for the end of the main story. I normally do not include appendices, extra material, and other miscellaneous stuff at the end of the book in the page count.

See my goodreads icon goodreads page. I almost never do reviews, but I use this site to catalogue books.
See my librarything icon librarything page. I use this site to catalogue books and it has more details on books than goodreads does.

Presented: 16-Feb-2025 06:25:39

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