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Book Details

Red Rabbit

78.6% complete
Copyright © 2002 by Rubicon, Inc.
Adventure; Espionage; Mystery; Thriller
Never (or unknown...)
Americans - England - Fiction
Assassination - Fiction
Attempted assassination - Fiction
Intelligence officers - Fiction
John Paul II, Pope, 1920- - Assassination attempts - Fiction
John Paul II, Pope, 1920-2005 - Assassination attempts - Fiction
Political fiction
Popes - Fiction
Ryan, Jack (Fictitious character) - Fiction
Suspense fiction
See 33
Prologue - The Back Garden
1 - Rumblings and Dreams
2 - Visions and Horizons
3 - Explorations
4 - Introductions
5 - Getting Close
6 - But Not Too Close
7 - Simmering
8 - The Dish
9 - Spirits
10 - Bolt from the Blue
11 - Hand Jive
12 - Handoff
13 - Collegiality
14 - Danger Signal
15 - Meeting Place
16 - A Fur Hat for the Winter
17 - Flash Traffic
18 - Classical Music
19 - Clear Signal
20 - Staging
21 - Vacation
22 - Procurements and Arrangements
23 - All Aboard
24 - Rolling Hills
25 - Exchanging the Bogies
26 - Tourists
27 - Rabbit Run
28 - British Midlands
29 - Revelation
30 - Flavian Amphitheater
31 - Bridge Builder
32 - Masqued Ball
Book Cover
Has a genre Has an extract In my library In a series 
 Jack Ryan World*
#11 of 17
Jack Ryan World*     See series as if on a bookshelf
A series of novels written by Tom Clancy featuring the character Jack Ryan or taking place in the same fictional world.  I've only included books written by Tom Clancy in this list (even if he collaborated).

1) The Hunt for Red October
2) Patriot Games
3) Cardinal of the Kremlin
4) Clear and Present Danger
5) The Sum of All Fears
6) Without Remorse
7) Debt of Honor
8) Executive Orders
9) Rainbow Six
10) The Bear and the Dragon
11) Red Rabbit
12) The Teeth of the Tiger
13) Dead or Alive
14) Locked On
15) Threat Vector
16) Command Authority

 Jack Ryan Extended
#11 of 43
Jack Ryan Extended     See series as if on a bookshelf
A series of novels written featuring the character Jack Ryan created by Tom Clancy or taking place in the same fictional world.  I've only included books written by other authors and not by Tom Clancy in this list.

1) The Hunt for Red October
2) Patriot Games
3) Cardinal of the Kremlin
4) Clear and Present Danger
5) The Sum of All Fears
6) Without Remorse
7) Debt of Honor
8) Executive Orders
9) Rainbow Six
10) The Bear and the Dragon
11) Red Rabbit
12) The Teeth of the Tiger
13) Dead or Alive
14) Locked On
16) Threat Vector
17) Command Authority
19) Full Force and Effect
To Danny O and the men of Engine 52 and Ladder 52
The scary part, Jack decided, was going to be driving.
May contain spoilers
How clear his conscience had been was not apparent from physical examination.
No comments on file
Extract (may contain spoilers)
IT WAS FIVE IN THE EVENING in London, and noon in Langley, when Ryan lit up his secure phone to call home.  He'd have to get used to the time zones.  Like a lot of people, he found that his creative times of day tended to divide themselves into two parts.  Mornings were best for digesting information, but later afternoons were better for contemplation.  Admiral Greer tended to be the same way, and so Jack would find himself disconnected from his boss's work routine, which wasn't good.  He also had to get used to the mechanics of handling documents.  He'd been in government service long enough to know that it would never be as easy as he expected, nor as simple as it ought to be.

"Greer," a voice said, after the secure link was established.

"Ryan here, sir."

"How's England, Jack?"

"Haven't seen it rain yet.  Cathy starts her new job tomorrow morning."

"How's Basil?"

"I can't complain about the hospitality, sir."

"Where are you now?"

"Century House.  They gave me an office on the top floor with a guy in their Russian section."

"I bet you want an STU for your home."

"Good call, sir."  The old bastard was pretty good at reading minds.

"What else?"

"Nothing comes immediately to mind, Admiral."

"Anything interesting yet?"

"Just settling in, sir.  Their Russian section looks smart.  The guy I'm working with, Simon Harding, reads the tea leaves pretty well," Ryan said, glad that Simon was off at the moment.  Of course, maybe the phone was bugged... nah... not for a Knight Commander of the Victorian Order... or would they?

"Kids okay?"

"Yes, sir.  Sally's trying to figure out the local TV."

"Kids adapt pretty well."

Better than adults do.  "I'll let you know, Admiral."

"The Hopkins document ought to be on your desk tomorrow"

"Thanks.  I think they'll like it.  Bernie said some interesting things.  This other thing with the Pope..."

"What are our cousins saying?"

"They're concerned.  So am I.  I think His Holiness has rattled their cage pretty hard, and I think Ivan's going to notice."

"What's Basil saying?"

"Not much.  I do not know what assets they have on site.  I imagine they're waiting to see what they can find out."  Jack paused.  "Anything from our end?"


Added: 24-Dec-2022
Last Updated: 13-Jul-2024


G P Putnam's Sons
In my libraryOrder from amazon.comHas a cover imageBook Edition Cover
Date Issued:
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United States
Lovedog Studio - Book Design
Anthony Ramondo  - Cover Artist
Anthony Ramondo - Jacket Design
Lawrence Ratzkin - Typographic Styling
Eric Schulzinger - Photographer
Front flap:

Red Rabbit

Tom Clancy returns to Jack Ryan's early days, in an extraordinary novel of global political drama.

"Smart and likable, Jack Ryan has become one of the best-known characters in contemporary American fiction."
- The Washington Post
In the early 1980s, long before he was President or head of the CIA, before he fought terrorist attacks on the Super Bowl or the White House, even before a submarine named Red October made its perilous way across the Atlantic, Jack Ryan was a historian, teacher, and recent ex-Marine temporarily living in England while researching a book.  A series of deadly encounters with an IRA splinter group had brought him to the attention of the CIA's deputy director, Vice Admiral James Greer - as well as his counterpart in the British SIS, Sir Basil Charleston - and when Greer asked Jack if he wanted to come aboard as a freelance analyst, he was quick to accept.  The opportunity was irresistible, and he was sure he could fit it in with the rest of his work.

And then Jack forgot all about the rest of his work, because on his very first day, an extraordinary document crossed his desk.

The new Pope, John Paul II, had just delivered a private ultimatum to Warsaw: If the government persisted in its repression, he would feel compelled to resign the papacy and return to Poland.

Damn, thought Jack.  That was going to have consequences.

And in Moscow, another man was contemplating those very same consequences.  Yuriy Andropov, the chairman of the KGB, did not
(Continued on hack flap)

Back flap:

(Continued from front flap)

like what he read, did not like what it meant for him or for his nation.  All it took was one man to cause everything he had worked for to crumble....

And all it took was one man to stop him.  The Pope was very powerful - but he was also mortal, wasn't he?

And so it begins, an almost unthinkable plot that quickly becomes much rnore - a plan to bring down not just leaders, but nations.  In the weeks to come, Ryan will find himself in the middle of a chain reaction he could not have imagined, a high-stakes game meant to shake the world... and in which a novice CIA analyst just might be out of his depth.

"Clancy creates not only compelling characters, but frighteningly topical situations and heart-stopping action," wrote The Washington Post about The Bear and the Dragon.  "Among the handful of superstars, Clancy still reigns, and he is not likely to be dethroned anytime soon."  All of that was never truer than for the remarkable pages of his breathtaking new novel.  This is Clancy at his best - and there is none better.

Torn Clancy is the author of The Hunt for Red October, Red Storm Rising, Patriot Games, The Cardinal of the Kremlin, Clear and Present Danger, The Sum of All Fears, Without Remorse, Debt of Honor, Executive Orders, Rainbow Six, and The Bear and the Dragon.  He is also the author of the Commanders books Into the Storm, with General Fred Franks, Jr. (Ret.); Every Man a Tiger, with General Chuck Homer (Ret.); and Shadow Warriors, with General Carl Stiner (Ret.); and of the paperback nonfiction series that includes Submarine, Armored Cav, Fighter Wing, Marine, Airborne, Carrier, and Special Forces.  Clancy lives in Maryland.
Book CoverBook Back CoverBook Spine
Notes and Comments:
First printing based on the number line
Canada: $39.99
Image File
G P Putnam's Sons




No awards found
  • I try to maintain page numbers for audiobooks even though obviously there aren't any. I do this to keep track of pages read and I try to use the Kindle version page numbers for this.
  • Synopses marked with an asterisk (*) were generated by an AI. There aren't a lot since this is an iffy way to do it - AI seems to make stuff up.
  • When specific publication dates are unknown (ie prefixed with a "Cir"), I try to get the publication date that is closest to the specific printing that I can.
  • When listing chapters, I only list chapters relevant to the story. I will usually leave off Author Notes, Indices, Acknowledgements, etc unless they are relevant to the story or the book is non-fiction.
  • Page numbers on this site are for the end of the main story. I normally do not include appendices, extra material, and other miscellaneous stuff at the end of the book in the page count.

See my goodreads icon goodreads page. I almost never do reviews, but I use this site to catalogue books.
See my librarything icon librarything page. I use this site to catalogue books and it has more details on books than goodreads does.

Presented: 16-Feb-2025 07:52:21

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