Ergo Proxy (エルゴプラクシー Erugo Purakushi) is a science fiction suspense anime television series, produced by Manglobe, which premiered across Japan on 25 February 2006 on the WOWOW satellite network. It is directed by Shukou Murase, with screenplay by Dai Sato et al. Ergo Proxy features a combination of 2D digital cel animation, 3D computer modeling and digital special effects. The series has both steampunk and cyberpunk elements and focuses heavily on the psychology and mentality of its protagonists.
The story begins in a futuristic domed city called Romdo, built to protect its citizens after a global ecological disaster. In this utopia, humans and androids (AutoReivs) coexist with each other peacefully under a total management system. A series of murders committed by berserk robots (infected with the Cogito virus) starts to jeopardize the delicate balance of the social order. Behind the scenes, the government is conducting secret experiments on a mysterious humanoid lifeform called Proxy, which is believed to hold the key to the survival of mankind.
Re-l Mayer is assigned to investigate some of the murders with her AutoReiv partner Iggy. She encounters a Cogito-infected AutoReiv and a fast and flexible monster. She later learns that the monster was a Proxy, the same sort of creature as another main character who normally assumes the guise of a immigrant named Vincent Law. After being hunted down, Vincent leaves Romdo, and Re-l tags along to discover the truth behind the Proxies and the domes.
In an interview, Dai Sato describes the project:
It is set in the future. A group of robots become infected with something called the Kojiro [sic] virus, and become aware of their own existence. So these robots, which had been tools of humans, decide to go on an adventure to search for themselves. They have to decide whether the virus that infected them created their identity, or whether they gained their identity through their travels. This question is meant to represent our own debate over whether we become who we are because of our environment, or because of things that are inherent in us. The robots are all named after philosophers: Derrida and Lacan and Hussard [sic].
Ergo Proxy ran on the satellite network WOWOW at 19:00 Japan Standard Time from 25 February 2006 to 12 August 2006, for a total of 23 episodes. In the United States, the English dub of Ergo Proxy premiered on Fuse TV on 9 June 2007, playing every Saturday morning at midnight. Australian digital broadcaster ABC2 also began broadcasting the English dub on 3 July 2007, playing every Tuesday night at 9:00pm, concluding on Wednesday the 5th of December. In Canada, the English dub aired on a digital channel, G4TechTV Canada, on Thursdays at 8pm ET/PT, starting its first run on July 26, 2007.
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